UK riots: Sir Keir Starmer condemns ‘far-right thuggery’

UK riots: Sir Keir Starmer condemns ‘far-right thuggery’

by topotaul

  1. >”I guarantee you will regret taking part in this disorder either directly or those whipping up this disorder online,” Sir Keir Starmer said.

    That requires them to have the emotional capacity capable of regret. They won’t regret a damn thing. They’ll take any conviction from this and wear it like a badge of honour.

  2. With the riots spreading, is it feasible that the army might be sent in? Or perhaps the police might start using other means to put down these mobs? At the moment, the government looks impotent in the face of this madness.

  3. Sir Kier, you don’t understand we had legitimate concerns about a public library. We had to burn it down otherwise it could attract people who are able to read.

  4. Maybe this sub should’ve condemned it too but for the last year their rhetoric has constantly been upvoted to the top

  5. Is there a middle ground between fascism and every working class community becoming a slum to house an absurd amount of immigrants? 

    It’s just fucking exhausting that people have been complaining for decades and nothing has been done. The violence is shit but if it deters people from moving here then it will work, the more it works more regular people will accept it over whatever Starmer and middle class know it alls are proposing. 

  6. Between Southport, Southend and those poor children it has brought the worst out of absolutely everybody.

    These protest groups regardless of their original intention (let’s presume the original intention wasn’t destruction) are now attracting angry mobs who want to vent their frustrations out.

  7. I’ll believe him when it actually happens, and when the thugs responsible see much longer prison sentences than what Just Stop Oil’s activists got.

    But I’m sure they’ll get a slap on the wrist, if there is any kind of police escalation at all… Sir Kid Starver *is* a cosplay Tory after all.

  8. Unfortunately, they’re the sort of people who take “far right thuggery” as a compliment.

  9. I’m very happy about the language used but come the fuck on, this should have been said immediately and steps should have been taken far sooner

  10. They’ve given us 12 years of Tory rule that’s brought the country to its knees. They voted us out of the EU which has saw decades long international relationships damaged forever, as well as causing economic damage. Now they’re physically destroying and tearing down the country they claim to love and want for themselves so much.

    It’s time we clamped down on these racist, bigoted, and antisocial fascists for good. It seems to be a generational issue that there’s a rise in far right ideology that goes out of control, we need to be prepared to stomp it out quickly in future.

  11. Is he referencing Tommy Robinson when he talks about people being involved indirectly and whipping it all up and then running away?

  12. If anyone wants to read a well researched book on migration that dispels a lot of myths. This is a very good book –

    How Migration Really Works: 22 things you need to know about the most divisive issue in politics

  13. Fascist in our streets trying to burn down hotels, smashing in people’s windows, and attacking Mosques in 2024.

    Get them all in jail. Climate protestors got 5 years for peaceful protest, so by that standard this lot should be seeing 20+.

  14. Even my Reform-voting conspiracy nut sheep of the family aren’t into these riots. Says everything you need to know about the thugs involved

  15. I mean him releasing statements will defiantly stop it /s

    Meanwhile everyone needs releasing from prison 🤷

  16. This idiot was twerking for protestors during lockdown while we had a pandemic sweeping through the nation.

  17. Realistically, how long does it take until the army are called in to try and calm things down?

  18. They’re terrorists. Racist terrorists. It would be interesting to see how many of the rioters are on the radar for crimes like domestic violence or have had run ins with social services because of the way they treat their kids. We all know that little Yaxley-Lennon’s mates in the EDL turned out to be nonces, and they’re taking the absolute piss when they pretend they’re defending children or women’s rights against Islam. They’re the same as Islamic extremists, just a bit less explodey at the moment. But dint count on that.

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