Kamala declines Fox debate, accepts debate in Chicago’s Trinity United Church moderated by MSNBC hosts Lawrence O’Donnell and Joe Scarborough

Kamala declines Fox debate, accepts debate in Chicago’s Trinity United Church moderated by MSNBC hosts Lawrence O’Donnell and Joe Scarborough

Posted by 1SLO_RABT

  1. You should provide a source that she agreed to an MSNBC debate, because google isn’t showing shit.

    *I am an idiot I got high and thought OP was a republican due to some Trump people in comments I apologize.

  2. It would be a masterclass move if Kamala offered a joint network debate, but only if fact checking was allowed, and only if also aired on CSPAN. Trump would get his FOX propaganda, but they would be contrasted and checked by another news agency with higher standards in real time. Any attempts by FOX to manipulate the event would cause a Streisand effect.

  3. And I hope that when she becomes president, that she pulls Fox’s broadcasting license. MAGA really means make another government asshole. And the GOP means go pedofile.

  4. If we’re doing satire, let’s get serious. Say she agrees to debate at the DNC headquarters, moderated by Barack Obama and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

  5. Of all the possible networks to host a presidential debate, the one that lost a half-billion-dollar lawsuit because it knowingly spewed fake news about the previous presidential election should be at the bottom of the fucking list.

  6. Someone on fox newz just claimed that Covid was a scam…it’s not a serious channel…not even for entertainment.

  7. The orange devil thinks he is in charge. Sorry dude you can’t choose the court and the referees!!🤪🤪🤪🤪

  8. I’m not seeing enough new outlets calling this out and it’s driving me insane–Trump can’t “accept” a challenge when he was the one who made that challenge by *unilaterally* changing the stage and terms of the actual debate that was previously agreed upon.

  9. I really wish we’d create a separate, tax-funded department in the government that handled “official presidential debates”. Make it a requirement to attend if you want to be on the ballot.

  10. You could pick George Will , Lester Holt or Brit Hume and it wouldn’t change the fact that it’s not going to work for Donnie , if he can’t ad hominin or gish gallop he’s fucked and he knows it.

  11. Why doesn’t he just do the one he already agreed to? She will be there? Is it because he wants to look like he can control a black woman?????? Yes!

  12. Let trump and his weird ass supporters watch Fox or attend his wildly rambling rallies. Just keep those clowns away from decent Americans.

  13. This is the snark and retort we need. It’s weird that tr7mp doesn’t want to hold up to his commitments. Almost like we’ve seen that before.

  14. Go on fox. Start crazy rumors about Donald, watch everyone lose their shit. Should start with Melina has been deported, stop by how Donald can’t read, end with how he watched Russian hookers shit in a bed while he watched.

  15. They should let the BBC moderate. Neutral ground. Blow Trump’s mind, let Al Jazera moderate.

  16. I hope she shows up and turns that time into a nationally televised campaign stop just to call him a pussy and chicken.

  17. It’s almost as though Fox News can’t be trusted. I mean, after shelling put an $800 million settlement against a $2 billion lawsuit by the Dominion voting manci9ne company for blatantly LYING to the entire country (just like Trump does every day)…and still facing a SECOND $2 billion lawsuit from SmartMatic for the exact same thing…it certainly makes sense the only one who would want a debate hosted by Fox News would be Trump.

  18. Trump accepted a debate with Biden. Biden is no longer the nominee. New debates are offered. Harris declines to debate. Why don’t they accept both debates with Fox and with MSNBC?

  19. O’Donnell and Scarborough? The Yellin’ Felon would sweat blood if he had to deal with those two hardcore won’t-put-up-with-your-bullshit journalists.

  20. Trump wanted his audience there at Fox disinformation channel and an agreement to No fact checking. Can’t wait until we know longer have Trump around. He’s been in the news for past 10-15 years. All lies. He’s so weird.

  21. IMO, presidential debates should be on PBS, and be moderated by pre-eminent political science experts.

  22. I think she should take on Trump anytime, anywhere.

    If she can take on Trump in his own turf and come out victorious, that would be the end of Trump.

    I was slightly disappointed when I heard she backed away from Fox News debate. I don’t understand the fear. Trump is a weak candidate, Dems have so much they can lean on. Kamala should be able to eat him alive anywhere.

  23. Youre braindead if you think Fox can legitimately host a presidential debate. It’s an entertainment network for hillbilly’s.

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