Immigrants integrate!

Immigrants integrate!

by FamousBeyond852

  1. Ahh that’s good stuff from Frankie, denigrate working class people in the country for no reason whatsoever.

    This sort of liberal snobbery is shite patter.

  2. I hate Frankie Boyle. Cashes out now after really nasty personal attacks on people for being ugly or disabled. He is not a nice person. Fucking nasty weegie wank.

  3. I’ve noticed a pattern that invovles either talking about how great immigrant food is or how terrible British food is… that is literaly it… tasty food.

    Once you notice you will see it all the time… ‘British food BAD Foreign food GOOD’

    So bizarre… never the inventions, movies, music, culture, fashion, civic and political institutions, history…. all about the food…. weird

  4. So you either have to accept it or be a racist, there’s no nuance no middle ground right? You can’t be a person that acknowledges the benefits of immigrants and tell those that game the system or commit crimes to fuck back off to where they came from?

    Edit: lol the downvotes. I am a legal immigrant and know what it does when you have unregulated immigration. Scotland doesn’t have that so you can look down from your high horse.

  5. No immigrant has tried to intigrate into any community in the uk. They don’t Learn the language and want to live like they do in the slums of their country

  6. wow, this Frankie Boil guy seems wholesome. Clearly, he must be just as understanding and respectful to people like jews, disabled people or people who died from covid.

  7. This is funny the jocks hate is English men but they are happy with the foreigners taking more of the benefits.

  8. I get mixed messages about this from different people.

    “Integrate into society and adopt the rules and customs”. Ok.

    “So where are you from? Scotland? But you know….” so can I be from here or not lmao.

    The flip side is that I was subtly pushed to stick to my own immigrant group because we should support “our own” i.e. rice must stick to rice. Ehh what now?

    My point is that for some, it’s a fine balance because you’re of two or multiple backgrounds and there is no one set benchmark for when you can credibly say you’re from somewhere (if there ever was one).

    It does help if you “look” or “sound” the part. Sadly there are no elocution classes for Scottish accents.

  9. Idiots in this thread who don’t understand the point.

    Sincerely, an immigrant and Frankie Boyle enjoyer.

  10. If the local culture is so beneath you that tou don’t want to stoop as low as to integrate with it- why the fuck did you come here?

    And if the reason is: because life in my home country is shit, life here is better: well, which culture created the shit? And which culture created the country you yourself want to move to?

  11. In some cultures, pedophilia, child rape, slavery etc are all practiced, this and other cultural things (treating women as second class citizens or insane violent homophobia) are part of their culture.

    Yes some things are ok to bring over, but for a lot of stuff immigrants will *have* to integrate when moving to these countries where that behaviour is looked down upon or even illegal, this can also be small stuff like tipping culture, if you are British and moving to America, then you will have to integrate with society there including tipping culture, yes you can have beans on toast or bring over other bits of British culture, but you still have to integrate with their tax systems laws and cultural norms

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