Help me make this dressing?


I am an American who lived in Finland for a few years. I have been back in the US for several years now, and one of the things I miss is Felix salad dressing.

This one in particular was one of my favorites, and I have not found one in the states that is similar. Does anyone have a home recipe for a dressing like this so I can just make it myself?

Thanks in advance 🙂

by bitter_candi

  1. It’s made of these:

    Vesi, rapsiöljy, sokeri, valkoviinietikka, etikka, muunnettu maissitärkkelys, MUNANKELTUAISJAUHE, jodioitu suola, SINAPINSIEMENET, sakeuttamisaine (ksantaanikumi), säilöntäaine (kaliumsorbaatti), väri (betakaroteeni), hapettumisenestoaine (E385).

    Water, rapeseed oil, sugar, white wine vinegar, vinegar, modified maize starch, EGG FLOUR, iodised salt, MUSTARD SEEDS: is the stuff you need if you want to try it. The last four items in the Finnish list are presertives and colouring.

  2. Based on the ingredients, that’s basically mayo with added vinegar (and some spices).

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