Fox News lecturing on DEI hires.

Fox News lecturing on DEI hires.

Posted by jeffmartin47

  1. Could you imagine how fucking weird it would be if every Democratic senator and newscaster changed their appearance to emulate Jill Biden

  2. I like how 95% of them are bleach blondes because they know they won’t get the job unless they fit the aryan ideal.

  3. Serious question; are any of them repeated? I genially can’t tell some of
    Them apart

  4. All I see is white. It’s like the first time I met your family – Honeybee Shaw

  5. Someone needs to put a montage together on all his racial actors and their different roles. Talk about not knowing what race they are ffs. They’ll be whatever demeaning character they get told to be.

  6. Well, they say these are the most qualified

    They also say blondes are dumb

    Only idiots watch Fox

    Maybe they have a point /s

  7. I see Gretchen, Ivanka, Megyn and Tomi. The rest I am pretty sure are clones. There are three in a row with the exact same facial expression with different exposure levels ffs!

  8. “Worried that women will not want to date you for your conservative views? Well look at all these attractive blonds echoing your opinions and feel at ease friend.”

    -Some Fox News executive, probably.

  9. I thought DEI stands for “Donald on Epstein’s Island!!🤪🤪🤪 I don’t think any of these hires spent much time with Jeff?

  10. I wish I could laugh about it, but their suckers eat it up, so it seems to be working.

  11. What’s so horrible is they all look so basic I can’t find any of them attractive. I know they should be, but they’re just so…. Meh…

  12. When did Meghan Kelly flip? Wasn’t she the one trump bashed at a 2016 debate and claimed she had blood coming out of her you know where?

  13. Their diversity consists of sometimes agreeing with Trump and other times disagreeing with Harris. Fair and balanced.

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