Not your average Sunday drive – Wandsworth Bridge Road

Not your average Sunday drive – Wandsworth Bridge Road

by Jacobcobson2020

  1. that little moment when the guy getting out of the car thought “it would be easier to just nick this guy for using a phone while driving”

  2. Honestly that guy better have fucking killed someone or something equally serious because there are not many other crimes that warrant that sort of aggressive police conduct, holy shit. This is not New York City guys, you’re not NYPD Blue.

    Guess the right wing crowd have all gotten home from their rallies and logged onto Reddit. Police good police good police good, sorry officer I’ll write my lines 500 times.

    Notifications are off you bloody bootlickers, wind the tongues back in and stop salivating now.

  3. Loved the one copper jumping out, touching your car as if you’re possibly involved, you say “It’s alright” and he legs it!

    Glad you’re alright, must’ve been frightening

  4. Yes, armed police will do this. No, they won’t take chances.

    They’re armed police for a reason, and if someone thinks this is excessive wait till you see what they’re trained to deal with.

  5. Never seen a clip where they put the spikes right in front of the car like that. Didn’t think they’d even bother since the car was practically stuck.

  6. Trying a getaway on the Wandsworth Bridge Road was daft. On a good day, you can clear the traffic there in about 6 hours. Love the bloke putting down the stinger like he’s taking out Baby Driver, rather than a stationary car with another stationary car in front of it.

  7. Why did they deploy the stinger? Didn’t seem to do anything. Probably would have driven off if there wasn’t heavy traffic

  8. Is it just me or would any sane person have a nervous breakdown with multiple police officers coming at them and shouting aggressively?

    I would be terrified personally.

  9. So just a little bit of context for those who want it.

    I popped out in the work car to get some fuel in preparation for next week, jammimg to some Fleetwood Mac as I went. I get across Wandsworth Bridge and get halfway through the traffic which typically is always slow along this road (if you know you know).

    I see some guy in a white BMW driving somewhat erratically even by Londom standards. He being followed by a string of other police cars. I then see him cut into the lane in front of me and obviously I now have no where to go because the traffic was so heavy.

    Having stood my ground a bit, the police then ram his car from the side so now I’m thinking that I’m not getting home for a while.

    They flood around his car, get the spikes out,smash the window and surround him with the Tasers (see in the video). The driver then decides to put nuts-to-butt’s and slams his accelerator down, Knocking into multiple vehicles in front of him.

    He is now stationary enough for the police to hop out, rip him from the car and hold him to the ground. His girlfriend is also pulled from the passenger side while he’s down.

    They do obvious police stuff like checking on the vehicles and drivers etc and asking people to get out of the way. They start searching his car and I couldn’t tell you what they pulled out of it. They asked me to stay close by so that I could move the car when needed so I got my front row seats.

    After 10 minutes or so and people now recording from their Windows above the street, they clear a space for me to go through which is prompted filled by an ambulance. Now I’m doing a million point turn to get out.

    That’s about it really.

    Also I know how it looks with me having my phone out but by that point I was stationary and now KACKING myself thinking “This is going to take some explaining to work if he rams the car”.

    Thankfully no-one was really hurt apart from the driver and one officers sliced hand. Fleetwood mac on the way home too.

    EDIT: they did have a helicopter out too which I hadn’t noticed before so it must have been a pretty important guy.

    EDIT: *BWM thank you guys

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