Weird Moments in Trump History

Weird Moments in Trump History

Posted by FreeThroatPunch

  1. He chose the weirdest way to obfuscate his deadly fear of touching people and acquiring germs.

  2. Just trump killing satire. Benny Hill is no longer a fictional character. Trump brings his buffoonery to life.

  3. Never knowing what the old weirdo might do next should freak everybody out.

  4. The only President in American history to salute a Dictators General. The look on Kim’s face says it all.

  5. Then yesterday he congratulated and thanked Putin for doing an excellent job negotiating the release and exchange for the hostages. The man is an idiot. a liability and a traitor.

  6. A leader of an authoritarian dictatorship and a leader of a communist country have essentially endorsed trump. What about that makes trump good for the US? That alone should make this election an easy choice. But here we are.

  7. What’s weird is that Donny doesn’t like to shake hands and this is his response to avoid having to shake someone’s hand.

  8. Keep those images coming, every day of his former presidency were strange indeed.

  9. This is my go-to argument every time someone tried telling me that Biden was nuts and didn’t know what he was doing.

    “Hey! Remember that time a North Korean General offered to shake Trump’s hand, and Trump just up and saluted the guy? And the General is standing there with his hand out, looking at Kim Jong Un with this look on his face like, ‘Holy shit. . . What do I do?’ so he finally saluted Trump back to get him to finally put his hand down? I remember that! And I goddam guarantee you the North Koreans remember it! They probably started a new cable channel that does nothing but show that clip over and over again on a loop.”

  10. This should be posted everywhere!! Just look at everyone looking at fat ass. We can only imagine what they’re thinking.

  11. The guy near the door looks especially amused.

    I bet that after trump left they all laughed about how stupid that was and how weird Trump is.

  12. Trump saluting and soldier offering his hand to shake … reminds me of a Stooges routine.

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