US-Russia Hostage Diplomacy: The Downside

US-Russia Hostage Diplomacy: The Downside

Hostage Diplomacy: The Downside

Posted by CEPAORG

  1. Submission Statement: “Rejoice over captives’ freedom — but mourn the boost to the Kremlin’s business model.” While the recent prisoner exchange between the US and Russia is good for the individuals released, Edward Lucas argues that it effectively rewards Russia’s tactic of hostage diplomacy and encourages future hostage-taking. Western leaders’ limited time and energy would be better spent pressuring Germany to provide more military aid to Ukraine, rather than negotiations for prisoner swaps, as Ukraine continues to heroically resist Russian aggression but requires more assistance.

  2. I wonder why the West can’t persecute hordes of corrupt Putin’s elites who for the most still hang out around Europe and even the US? Alexei Navalny’s team, OCCRP, Transparency International, etc. published a lot of investigations providing the data that could serve as a starting point. Instead the EU chose the total visaban strategy against random Russians regardless whether they are Pro-Putin or anti-Putin. This strategy doesn’t hurt Putin’s elites, neither prevents Russian spies from entering and operating in Europe. Curious.

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