‘Be Careful’: Justice Neil Gorsuch Appears to Threaten Biden For Pushing SCOTUS Reform

‘Be Careful’: Justice Neil Gorsuch Appears to Threaten Biden For Pushing SCOTUS Reform

‘Be Careful’: Justice Neil Gorsuch Appears to Threaten Biden For Pushing SCOTUS Reform

Posted by inewser

  1. Justices are taking bribes in the millions of dollars openly. His tirade on an independent judiciary seems shallow in light of the corruption.

  2. Amazing – to be so confident of being a law unto their own.
    Biden should just put the IRS onto him and he’ll be off to jail in no time…

  3. Fuck him and the rest- put the flashlight of justice on them all and see who stands the test!!


  5. Joe should lock up 3 or 4 of the conservative justices to even things out as his next ‘official act.’

  6. What’s he going to do? Give unlimited power to the president? Oh wait…

  7. There is going to be trouble around this election. Violence and all manner of Republican fuckery.

  8. No Neil, YOU be careful. People will not stand for you ending democracy. We aren’t as stupid and unmotivated as you think.

  9. The president has immunity for official acts. The judicial branch needs reform right away. Conservative activist Supreme Court judges are overturning decades and decades of the U.S. law of the land. Women’s rights are human rights! Harris 2024!

  10. Biden should just send SEAL Team 6 to take him out. After all, he has immunity for official acts.

  11. What a crock of shit rhetoric. Talking about “minorities” as if they protect them.. “equality” as if they didn’t just hand presidents authoritarian immunity and take away womens freedom of bodily autonomy.
    “Freedoms” as if they haven’t been taking them away from citizens. “Too many laws” as if they haven’t been making shit up that has nothing to do with cases presented before them. These are traitors’ Courts.

  12. Go fuck yourself “sir”. YES and independent judiciary matters…you havent been that…sit the fuck down…

  13. Biden can do what ever tf he wants thanks to you assclowns. Eat a cornucopia of dicks Neil

  14. “Gorsuch’s comments come just days before the release of his new book, Over Ruled: The Human Toll of Too Much Law, which he co-authored with a former clerk. The Justice is scheduled to promote the book with appearances at the Nixon and Reagan presidential libraries later this week.”

    Yeah he’s unbiased?!

  15. It’s obvious, He doesn’t like Biden getting in the way of the bride and grifting income of the Supreme Court.

  16. What could help is a 4/4 SCOTUS judges. Always.
    So the decision could happen only if they (at least 3/5) agree.
    That’s help to remove political bias.
    SCOTUS is everything but independent, because they are nominated by a president with the same view.
    What could help is to have SCOTUS not nominated by the executive branch in addition of Biden proposition

  17. Did they ask him why the Court has thrown the concept of legal precedent into the trash bin and is now making laws from the Bench? These arrogant fascist enablers in black robes should be term limited and forced to follow ethics rules.

  18. I think Biden should use those unlimited powers that the Supreme Court has given him.

  19. >”On the other hand, if you have too many laws, you impair those same freedoms and our aspirations for equality, too, because who can deal with a world with so much law?”

    Motherfucker, aren’t you the one taking away people’s rights with your shitty ass highly partisan jihadist rulings??

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