Tf u doing Barry

Tf u doing Barry

by Vacation-Interesting

  1. We have to do the exact opposite of pierre, it’s the rules! They almost vote for le pen we vote for kier, it’s how it’s always been

  2. Who the fuck is praising France after that shit show opening ceremony? Sodom and Gomorrah?

  3. Prep for the Riot World Cup, fed up of France winning every time but our team from Liverpool, Middlesbrough and Belfast are bringing it home next time

  4. Idk Pierre, I feel like this is the perfect oppotunity go finish what Napolean started.

  5. “Praising”. They don’t even have AC in the olympic village and the food has been shit.

  6. France? Praised for the Olympics? Didn’t some athletes get E-Coli from being forced to swim in the Seine? Some others sleep outside since the rooms have no AC? Continuous errors of athletes being labelled as parts of the wrong country? The organization of the Olympics is a mess.

  7. A cold day in hell.

    England is rioting and Northern Ireland is having peaceful (ish) protests.

  8. I admit this with a heavy heart, you froggies do much better riots than we do… But we’re trying are damn best!

  9. France being praised for Olympics? Are we from different realities? Altrough Barry cosplaying Pierre kinda intersects

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