Please don’t fuck this up

Please don’t fuck this up

Posted by Best-Subject-7253

  1. I can’t hear ‘Shapio’ without thinking of Ben. It’s not fair to all the other Shapiro’s in the world, I know.

  2. I haven’t been paying attention to politics this week, what do you not like about Shapiro?

  3. I would love Pete, but there are so many anti-gay people. On a YouTube video of him being brilliant, there were tons of disgusting comments about gays posted by religious people. As far as Shapiro, he would bring a big hunk of electoral college votes, but there are so many anti-semites who would vote against him just because he’s Jewish (the old Jews run the world crap). Because Kamala is a POC, they need to pair her with a white bread guy like Mark Kelly of Arizona. This is the same reason they decided to pair Obama with Biden.

  4. Either way y’all need to be prepared to calm the fuck down even if it does end up being Shapiro.
    I swear the majority consensus here was for Biden not to drop out, right up until he did. And even among those who were hoping he would drop, how many of y’all predicted the amount of improvement that immediately followed.

    I’m just saying, it’s cool to have a preference, but after the decision is made you should try not to contribute to severe in-fighting.

  5. Keep in mind the VP adopts the policy of the president. It is their job to speak for the president’s policies, don’t make policy.

    Joe Biden was for the Iraq war as a senator but as VP spoke against the war because Obama voted against.

  6. Shapiro would be a great VP. However, so would Kelly. Is PA in play? AZ being a border state, and a toss up, Kelly could be a smarter choice.

  7. Republicans posting shit because they are scared of losing Penn, and the election because of it. Shapiro is the best choice to win the election and keep the senate.

  8. The big 2 problems with Shapiro seem to be his volunteer time with the IDF and the sexual assault scandal in his administration.

    This actually makes it more impactful if he speaks out against the current war (which he has many times). And he fired the guy involved, so I don’t see a big deal there.

    And for everyone saying doing the soft antisemitic thing ( *I* woild vote for him, but will America vote for him?), remember that we are against Trump. Trump will undoubtedly call Shapiro a “bad Jew” and get just as big of a backlash as the NABJ interview.

    For that last reason is why I personally want Kelly. Trump won’t be able to stop himself from attacking Gabby. And that is the big shitstorm.

  9. As a Minnesotan part of me wants to share Walz with the rest of the country the other part of me selfishly wants to keep him here.

  10. ✋ I’m team Beshear. He has a way of communicating that would compliment the ticket. He can communicate in a way with a certain segment of voters that way too many people are underestimating.

  11. Shapiro comes off entirely as an inner-circle candidate. Plus a lawyer presidential candidate with a Jewish spouse choosing a Jewish lawyer running mate is too much of single things. That’s just really bad politics, even if it’s nice to see that there’s clearly no anti-Semitism at work.

  12. “That sounds Jewish. Genocide Josh” -every 20 year old progressive TikToker

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