Trump Melts Down As Kamala Harris Support Swells

Trump Melts Down As Kamala Harris Support Swells

Posted by Son0fSanf0rd

  1. All of his evil hateful traits. ! He just doubles down on them when he’s cornered !! You wait he’ll call Taylor swift / the Pope/ other celebrities “losers and scum “ once they endorse vp Kamala for prez
    A full on doom loop / death spiral for the orange jebus

  2. “Swells”

    Harris is getting crushed.

    The fake news thinks it can bs people into supporting Kamala.

  3. All that’s left for him now is to throw his tantrums alone, whether it be in Mal-a-Lago or in a solitary confinement padded cell.

  4. So ironic that Trump dumped on Biden mercilessly and his son too, calling them criminals, dumb, old etc.. He definitely was a factor in Biden’s decision to step aside. And now, to Trump’s chagrin, the Harris campaign is going gang-busters. Trump and his team are short-sighted people who cannot run the country.

  5. Lol! She’s losing in every real poll and not the fake media polls Trump is not worried one bit!

  6. People he’s the candidate of one of the two major parties and a former president. Whatever you think of his politics in this divisive era he still deserves…just kidding, he’s a sad, weird, aging piece of racist pedophile shit.

  7. You can tell people are really despising Trump more than ever because everyone who criticizes him calls him Trump and not like the Strange-O Cheeto and stuff. They’d rather just put it right on him

  8. He whines about having to “start all over” with his campaign but let us not forget, the very *morning* of the day Biden stepped down, the NYT published a piece in which Trump’s campaign staffers were bragging about how they expected Harris to take over, and they were prepping for it. 

    More hot air from the Trump campaign, I suppose. 

  9. Harris is a lightweight and everybody knows it. She dropped out of the 2020 primary after she got destroyed in the debate. Democrats are only rallying around her now because the DNC said this is your candidate, like it or not.

  10. As weird as he is, it’s no where as weird as his supporters are. So happy we’re not pretending this is normal anymore.

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