Whats your biggest regret in life?

Watching the Olympics has got me thinking about one of mine.

I was a very good runner and probably maybe could have reached elite level if I had really gone for it, but unfortunately at 16-17-18 years old I became more interested in women, drinking and drugs and squandered all my promising talent.

Don’t get me wrong, I had some amazing experiences growing up and getting fucked up, but watching the Olympics always makes me wonder…..what if? What if I didn’t bail on races & competitions because I was on an ecstasy come down…

So yeah. Whats your biggest regret in life? Doesn’t have to be sport related ofc.

by SkullKid888

  1. i’m not that old so don’t have much hindsight yet, but rn probably not studying that hard for a levels

  2. Tynemouth 96/97?

    That puts you around the same time the Muse boys were at school right?

  3. I’ll always regret losing the pub quiz because we couldn’t remember which county Guildford was in.

    Surrey seems to be the hardest word 🙁

  4. Rather young so I haven’t had much time to build regrets yet. And while it’s not my biggest, (That’d be really upsetting my dad about 2 hours ago), this is my most annoyingly persistent.

    A couple years back, April 2022, I went to Florida to watch some rockets, I was (And to a lesser degree still am) a big fan of space stuff. I remember the date because it was when Crew-4 launched, I got up at 4am and watched it (And I can Google the date of Crew-4)

    Anyway, at one point we’d spent the day in Kennedy Space Centre and were in the gift shop. I spotted a NASA branded crop-top I liked the look of, but I was (and am) still insecure about how I look and about acting femme, so I convinced myself I’d look bad in it so I shouldn’t get it, and left.

    I’ve been regretting not getting it since I got on the plane home. Sure I could still buy a cute crop-top now, but it’s not the same as getting a NASA branded one from NASA on holiday.

  5. Probably not the biggest, but I reckon I definitely could’ve played rugby union to a decent level. Shortarse with strong legs and wide shoulders, and I went to a school that has produced England internationals.

    Last time I played at all was playing every minute as flanker in our inter-form tournament. We won the tournament. A bunch of my mates took it seriously and went and played for the school; playing against the likes of Owen Farrell etc. I did not sign up for the school team and I regret this.

  6. Not going to my Leicester City trial when I was 8. I know the chance of making it is ridiculously low but I should have given it a go all the same.

    Guess it runs in the family, my dad turned down the chance to trial for the Leicester Tigers twice.

  7. I wish I’d realised I have ADHD sooner. If, in fact, that is what it is. But I was born and grew up in a time when it was seen as a thing only naughty boys had – not well mannered, daydreaming little girls. So I really wish my parents had noticed it. But they also weren’t really to know. Awareness changes over the years.

    Now, I’d say my biggest regret is not chasing a referral to a dermatologist sooner. The eczema on my feet is really affecting my quality of life and I hate it. I’ve been on the waiting list for almost 9 months now, so hopefully it won’t be much longer. I found some steroid cream prescribed to me that I’d totally forgotten about during our move and it’s still well within date, never opened, so I’ve taken to using that for now and the relief is fantastic. But I’m all too aware that it can’t last forever. Only managed.

  8. I regret ever having smoked.

    And not leaving my ex sooner. (Valid reasons for that one, but it’s still something that stings.)

  9. That I wasn’t the french maid in Fat Les’s Vindaloo music vid. Haunts me to this day.

  10. I gave my whole life to a lass because she said I was cute, which she later admitted was a lie.

  11. **I coulda been a contender.** **I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am**.

  12. When I was 15 I lied and took the blame for something my 20yo brother did, this was partly a noble act and partly an act of self preservation.

    It has been ruining my life ever since, haunted by the past for 33 years.

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