Venezuelas Maduro macht „internationalen Zionismus“ für weitverbreitete Unruhen nach Wahlbetrug verantwortlich

Venezuelas Maduro macht „internationalen Zionismus“ für weitverbreitete Unruhen nach Wahlbetrug verantwortlich

  1. The Weird Ones think, “well, it worked for Hitler maybe it will work for me.”

  2. Ahhhhh yes….. the “Jew”. Always the Jew. It is a very popular take in history with demagogue wannabe dictators.

  3. Zionism, WTF! Stop it by using these people as a scapegoat. Yesterday went out on a bike ride. I had a very minor bike crash. It is like me standing up and saying darn Jews. No it wasn’t an ethnic group. It was my stupidity.

  4. We actually didn’t have anything to do with this one, ironically…but the others…

  5. I gotta give it to him tho, it must take a helluva lot of willpower to say this kind of bullshit and keep a straight face in front of the cameras.

  6. He is literally refusing to show the results of the election and has just declared himself the winner in spite of evidence to the contrary. But clearly it was the Jews that are plotting against him and undermining his government and not just corruption from his administration trying to suppress the citizens efforts towards government change.

  7. I’d ask how he thinks that makes any sense, but antisemitism is inherently nonsensical, I suppose.

  8. Talk about a dog whistle to his leftist supporters. Everything Maduro has done since the election just reinforces perceptions that he stole it and is daring the rest of the world to do something about it.

  9. That’s what Iran wants,They managed to turn the Jews to scapegoats of the world and people all over the world are buying it,from South America to South Africa to the universities in North America and Europe

  10. First, Maduro pick border dispute with neighboring country. Now, Maduro blame “International Zionism” (Must be new. Never heard of it before) for his failure to steal election again.

    Typical bully. Always blame others for being put on spot.

  11. I don’t speak for all Jews (although, we’re *obviously* all in cahoots… 👀), but I honestly couldn’t give the flyingest of monkey-fucks about creating widespread unrest in Venezuela’s election.

  12. Ooooooo…TikTok’s gonna LOVE this!! “See?! SEE?! IT’S THE JOOOS!! 🫵🏽🤨”

  13. Couldn’t possibly be that you lost and just ignored and made yourself dictator again, that would be ridiculous /s

  14. It’s pretty interesting watching the social media accounts & groups that have been most active on the anti-Israel side since October 2023 recently start to parrot claims that Maduro won the election. Groups like SlowFactory, ANSWER Coalition, etc. that all claim to be progressive. In studies of modern authoritarianism, Venezuela under Chavez & Maduro is considered to be one of the perennial case studies of democratic backsliding under a left-wing regime. It’s considered the antithesis of “progressive”.

  15. I feel like Israel is too busy defending itself to care about some country thousands of miles away. Israel never hated on Venezuela, until Venezuela chose to hate on Israel and associate with Israel’s enemies due to their weird foreign policy.  Blaming Zionism is a roundabout way of blaming Jews and spreading hate to Venezuela’s Jewish community. 

  16. “In my country there is problem, and that problem is the Jew… Throw the Jew down the well, so my country can be free… You must grab him by the horns, then we have a big party!!!”

  17. I’ve seen this movie before somewhere, it didn’t end well for these guys back then and it won’t now.

  18. As a left winger I have to say, anybody still defending this cunt and his Nazi inspired conspiracy rhetoric can fuck off.

  19. Today I ripped a pair of Adidas track pants I’ve had for years.  They are amazing, thin material, just perfect.  All the new ones you can buy are just too thick.  

    Anyway, I sat on a slightly exposed nail on my steps and when I stood up, sure enough – RIPPPP, there went my favorite pants.

    This is largely the fault of the “Zionists”, obviously.  

  20. I hope the left now realizes the word zionism is a dog whistle for Jew hate.

    I mean if it’s not clear now, it never will be.

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