The party of outrage porn

The party of outrage porn

Posted by Maybeiliketheabuse

  1. I love watching their reaction when they realize that a small percentage of men have XX chromosomes and women have XY chromosomes, and that there’s a chance they may not have the chromosome combinations they thought they did.

  2. The last panel should be “I don’t care I’m still mad about my complete misunderstanding of the facts anyway.” Why look for something new to be mad about when you can just keep being mad regardless of what really happened?

  3. The cartoonist is so out of touch.

    They are still pissed about the Last Supper. It doesn’t matter if everyone involved has made it clear that this was not the last supper, it is still triggering the snowflakes.

  4. I guess the lesson is that these people are incapable of enjoying anything that’s actually meant to be fun, including the Olympics. They can only respond to anger and cruelty. Their lives must be such a chore, every single day.

  5. “There’s a convicted pedo playing on a Netherlands men’s beach volleyball squad.”

    “I can’t own the libs with that! We’d end up agreeing!”

  6. This guy is better adjusted than most who’ve been getting outraged. He at least moves on. Here they’ve been ascribing to the kohn/trump mantra of at all costs double down.

  7. They could always be mad about the guy convicted of raping a twelve year old girl competing… but that doesn’t seem to bother them.

  8. Even if the Feast of Dionysus depicts the last supper, since when did that matter? There’s been references to the Bible for decades in pop culture.

    What about the statue depicting the fall of Lucifer in the Holy Trinity Church? You’re not gonna protest an image of Satan being presented in the House of God? What about the child rapist participating in the games? I’m certain there’s something in the Bible that says “thou shalt not fiddle with the kiddle “

    Or the stupid number of cases against church’s in the US or any other country regarding misuse of donations, I know for a fact that one is blasphemous.

    I’m not saying don’t be mad, I’m just hoping y’all get mad about something more anger worthy. I’m a Hindu and I’ve spend my last three years in the US with enough rage worthy crap to turn me into the hulk. People asking me if worship makes beef taste better, asking if I’m a terrorist, asking if I go to hell for eating steak, asking if my Rudraksh necklace is a dried up brain. And somehow none of that bothered me but y’all get up in arms over this?

  9. None of the Trump supporters would accept simply stating a contrary statement. Instead, they retort, “I did the research” and go right back to believing what they want.

  10. “Well, the disinformation trolls need to feed me something else to get mad about to feed my anger addiction!”

  11. Imagine what kind of world we’d have if the Right spent a tenth of their moral outrage on things that mattered and actively worked to fix them.


  12. Can they be outraged by the number of weird things that are coming up about their party?

  13. Even if she was a trans woman, she would still actually be a woman. Forcing cis women to defend themselves against these types of attacks by claiming to be actual women or biological women just plays into the hands of transphobes. It is just a sneaky way to make people other trans people as a valid defense. It’s even worse because most of the time it is a cis person being targeted with these types of attacks because there really isn’t that many trans people.

    Nothing demonstrates how this isn’t at all about protecting cis women like the complete lack of willingness to understand the situation and apologize instead of doubling down and justifying shitty behavior.

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