How will F-16 fighter jets be integrated into Ukraine’s military strategy? | DW News

How will F-16 fighter jets be integrated into Ukraine’s military strategy? | DW News

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has announced that F-16 fighter jets have started flying missions in Ukrainian airspace. President Zelenskyy made the announcement at an airbase flanked by two F-16 jets where he met with pilots. The US gave its approval to send jets to Ukraine last year. The planes have been supplied by Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands and Norway, who have said they will provide up to 60 F-16s for the Ukrainian air force.
Questions remain as to how quickly the fighter jets can be integrated into Ukrainian military operations, given that basic training for operating the F-16 takes 9 months and pilots need to be proficient in technical military terminology in English. Each fighter jet requires two pilots to be operated.

Chapter Breakdown:
0:00 Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelenskyy announces deployment of F-16 fighter jets
0:53 Marina Miron, military analyst at King’s College London, addresses difficulties of incorporating F-16 fighter jets into Ukraine’s military operations
5:32 DW’s Cormac Walsh reports on F-16 fighter jets arriving in Ukraine

#f16fighter #ukrainerussiawar #zelenskyy


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  1. You just watch the Power of this 60 years old plane is a awesome combat plane and its just in time before the upcoming harsh winter weather will have no affect on this plane

  2. Another step towards integration into NATO. Let's help them get their country liberated and then make them a member. Leopards, Gepards, Challengers, Abrams, Bradleys, F16's. A growing NATO military.

  3. Its output of grain and potatoes is among the highest in Europe, and it is among the world's largest producers of sugar beets and sunflower oil. Ukraine's livestock sector lags behind the crop sector, but its total output is still considerably larger than that of most other European countries.

  4. Now can they fly them into russian air space. I don't believe in a pull punch war . If so that would back russian supply's back there air force. There army bases back
    It would be over Crimea . There wouldn't be a safe place in there

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