You’re a big bunch of filthy bastards apparently

You’re a big bunch of filthy bastards apparently

by Utegenthal

  1. Syphilis is a greek word therefore it’s a Greek disease, still it’s a westoid invention, absolutely repugnant and disgusting.

  2. In italian too it’s called “il mal francese”, which means the french disease, it got that name when Napoleon invaded Italy and the majority of Pierres had it.

  3. Didn’t know dutch women were already being banged in Spain while Johan waited for her at home.

  4. Petition to rename syphilis French disease. 

    They’ve been notoriously collecting std s like pokemons since forever 

  5. Technically, that tells you who was fucking who and honestly, it checks out!

  6. Not sure if I should be glad or offended that no one ever bothered calling it the German disease

  7. Question?

    Did the German called it the french disease because Hans discovered that Pierre fucked his wife and gave her the syphilis? Of was it because Hans has Syphilise and gave it to Pierre’s wife?

    I think it is important who cucked who in Europe. Because clearly that is the reason why it was named like that.

  8. In Scotland if you wash your pits and crotch in the sink it’s known as a Dundee shower. Well, it is in Perth, their closest neighbouring city.

  9. Makes sense, everyone got it from the peope they had the most contact with, usually west of them because it arrived in europe with conquistadores from the americas.

    If I had to take a guess, the poles propably called it the german disease.

  10. This kind of makes sense based on probable routes it took, right? Rather than simply insulting each other. From whichever of Columbus’ voyages it was and other Spanish expeditions to the New World it reached Spain, and one of its biggest spreads was via soldiers and prostitutes in the early Italian Wars, so many French soldiers would have encountered it first in Italy. Could have arrived in Germany that way as well as routes via France, with whom they had the most contact. And I’d expect it to have reached Russia via Poland.

  11. Fair enoigh, but I do not condone calling the 1918 influenza virus “spanish flu”. It did not originated in Spain you cheeky bastards. Our only sin was to be the only honest journalist that reported it.

    I demand you all honor the truth and stop calling it “Spanish flu”.

  12. Im pretty sure that when English gentlemen went on their grand tour through France and Italy the saying was “see Naples and die” mainly because by the time they got there they probably contracted syphilis 78 times along the voyage. And if by some miracle they didn’t already have it, they were definitely going to catch it in Naples

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