‘Trump is a coward’ Starts Trending on Trump’s Own Social Media Network

‘Trump is a coward’ Starts Trending on Trump’s Own Social Media Network


Posted by T_Shurt

  1. As per [original article](https://www.rawstory.com/news/trump-is-a-coward-trending-on-truth-social/) šŸ“°:

    – The phrase ā€œTrump is a cowardā€ is currently trending among users on Donald Trumpā€™s own social media network, Truth Social.

    Trump, who recently backed out of a debate he had previously agreed to on ABC and instead insisted he debate Vice President Kamala Harris on Fox News, has come under fire for saying he would no longer participate in the scheduled event. In addition to changing the network, Trump has proposed changes to other terms, such as the audience.

    According to one pollster, the terms of the original debate never specified that the discussion would be between Trump and President Joe Biden, and instead only stated that the debate would be between the two partiesā€™ official nominees. For her part, Harris has vowed to appear at the original debate, and said she hopes Trump will come, too.

    The #TrumpIsACoward hashtag has been trending on X and, on Sunday, it was also trending on Truth Social.

    At the time of writing, #TrumpIsACoward is the third trending topic listed on Truth Socialā€™s main page.

    Other trending topics on Trumpā€™s social media network include #Jesus, #Faith, #MAGA, and #Trump2024.

  2. That’s great, feeling so happy for him, really hope he has a great time in jail…..LOL

  3. With like 100 active users, it’s probably easy to create a trend. Still funny.

  4. Yep, thatā€™s fun right there. Bring called a coward on your own social media platform must be weird.

    Heck, HAVING your own social media platform is weird.

  5. So your saying even some of his followers are realizing that Trump is a weird coward? How about that

  6. Trump is a coward. And a rapist. And a racist. And he poops his pants. And a con man. And a convicted felon.

  7. Trump is a coward. Heā€™s an actual draft dodger. Heā€™s scared of women beyond puberty. Truth Social is simply a money laundering vehicle that the SEC is too chicken shit to investigate, like the FBI when it comes to payoffs. Coward is a good sequel to Weirdo for this week. But holding out for Paedo given the Epstein documents.

  8. There is no way to know for sure, and the election is the only thing that matters, but it feels like people are over The Felon. His phenomenon appears to be crumbling at an increasing rate.

  9. A round of shadow bans will no doubt be right around the corner for anyone that says this ob his app.

  10. This might be the first time something true has actually been said on truth social.

  11. Heā€™s a coward and a gold digger like a bitch hiding from the truth heā€™s nothing more than a skank

  12. Wellā€¦ Trump IS a coward.

    Not as craven and weak minded as his followers, but still a coward.

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