Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Admits He Left a Dead Bear in Central Park

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Admits He Left a Dead Bear in Central Park

Posted by nonprofitnews

  1. Everyone should listen to the Behind the Bastards episodes on him. Didn’t know a thing about the guy before but this headline totally makes sense. Just another day of doing insane things with animals for him.

  2. The most disturbing detail was that he was telling the story to Rozilla in his kitchen.

  3. “Looking forward to seeing how you spin this one.”

    Man…you left a dead bear in Central Park because you thought it would be funny. Don’t need any spin on this, the truth is already dizzying.

    This is the guy who’s brain got eaten by worms, yeah? Makes sense.

  4. I get it, normal people are boring so we will always pay attention to weird people. But ffs can we please just have normal functioning humans to vote for in politics?

  5. Okay. No where near as bad as Kamala and Old Joe brutalizing what was once a great nation. Would 100% vote for RFK over Harris.

  6. I can see why the worm died, he must be brainless to admit to something so weird and awful.

  7. So to recap, the guy who tried to tell us about vaccines:

    – ate dog
    – feeds pet ravens raw meat
    – had an emu that likes to bite
    – had a brain worm
    – had a voicebox-destroying mystery illness
    – tried to bring bear roadkill into Central Park

    And he’s the health expert presidential candidate whose only qualification is that his dad ran 60 years ago, and people think he’s more qualified for the job than the current vice president?

    The GOP is weird, but RFK is nasty

  8. Remember when the third candidate didn’t know what Aleppo was and couldn’t name any world leaders?

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