Bericht: Iran hat arabischen Führern mitgeteilt, es sei ihm egal, wenn ein Angriff auf Israel einen umfassenden Krieg auslöste

Bericht: Iran hat arabischen Führern mitgeteilt, es sei ihm egal, wenn ein Angriff auf Israel einen umfassenden Krieg auslöste

  1. Too many world leaders and regular people seem dead set on making life miserable for millions of others for their own personal gain.

  2. i wish i could post that it’s afraid scene from starship troopers in the comments

  3. The Iran-Iraq war of 1980-1988 prodused 1-2 million casualties with Iran bearing a majorty of deaths. You would think they would have learned a lesson.

  4. Iran has little to lose, They’re basically a punchline of religious fervorment, bigotry, and authoritarian theocracy. The leaders probably don’t care. They figure the Iranian people will move closer towards them once Israel annihilates their military and nuclear capabilities. Cynical gamesmanship.

  5. It they did not care they would have declared war already. Reality is that Iranian supreme leader is scared to death now seeing what Israel can do, but he has to maintain his rough and tough image else he will not be in power. That is the only weakness dictators have which brings their demise.

  6. A whole lot of talk from a country that hides behind surrogates and civilians when it takes a shot.

  7. Iran said but who inside Iran quoted that? That is what I hate when something is quoted but article seldom identify the person who did the actual quote if at all.

  8. Iran and Isreal aren’t neighbors.

    Iran has no ability to project force across to Isreal except via missile strikes and proxies.

    Isreal nor the US is going to let IRGC soldiers travel through Iraq and Syria.

    There is no logistical way for these two to fight a conventional war.

    Further, Iran’s airforce doesn’t hold a candle to Isreal’s.

    So when Iran says they are ready for all out war, the really mean they don’t care how many Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians or Iraqis die.

  9. Hmm. Dissent in Iran must be threatening The Order. Time for a bright and shiny diversion.

  10. Yeah, I’m thinking Israel is going to double down, every other nation ramping up the antisemitism is communicating to them that they need to defend themselves forcefully as no one else can be relied on.

    Since so many nations now seem to allow mask-off hatred of them despite Oct 7, it’s the perfect time to actively go on the aggressive to ensure the real threat to their peace and safety is addressed.

    It’s no more than what the US did after 9/11, plenty of “just cause” arguments could be made about US interference and wars in the Middle East leading up to that terrorist attack, yet most nations rallied around the US then.

    Same nations now refuse to see the equivalency of Oct 7 and balk at the inevitable heavy toll of a military response.

    Any nation similarly attacked would do likewise. We have forgotten what war really is, but we are about to be reminded I suspect.

  11. The logistics of it all kind of confuse me. Are they just going to shoot at each other through Iraqi airspace?

  12. If they have half a brain they would wait till the US stands down. To attack now would be foolish.

  13. This is nonsense .. Iran doesn’t have the ability for send troops across multiple countries that aren’t friends of theirs to

  14. Two leaders who aren’t popular in their country both will benefit from a war. Dangerous times.

  15. I think Iran is unprepared for the hellfire Israel would rain down upon them.  They’re getting shipments from Russia containing all kinds of warfare goodies.  Spreading those around and getting them setup im sure is not something you can realistically do in a week let alone a few days, i don’t think they strike until they’re fully ready for an Israeli counter attack.  Logically and presumably if Iran and Hez have some relationship ( which i think we all believe is true at this point ) they will coordinate their attacks into one massive burst in a specific area with the hope of overwhelming air defense systems.  This could also be exacerbated if other Iranian backed terrorist organizations also join the fray, maybe the Houthis have the capability?  Not sure.  I dunno this is all just theory crafting 

  16. I’m sure Israel has no issue targeting the ayatolah next, if that’s what it takes.

  17. Good, let’s light this Candle and let the people of Iran take their country back.

  18. If the war starts, I am interested to know if the liberals who support Palestinians are also supporting Iran.

  19. “I don’t care, I do what I want. I’m in 12 gangs and we only commit hate crimes” -Iran

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