Above all else, Donald Trump is a rapist

Above all else, Donald Trump is a rapist

Above all else, Donald Trump is a rapist

Posted by Entropologic

  1. Some other Trump fun facts (I copied from someone)

    Trump stands for everything…..

    Pro-Sexual assault



    Pro-Fucking Porn stars

    Pro-Cheating on wives (3)

    Pro-Tax cheat

    Pro-Disparaging Military personnel

    Pro-Subverting elections

    Pro-Financial fraud

    Pro-Stealing,hiding documents

    Pro-Election interference(twice) (34counts)

    Pro-Stealing from charities

    Pro-Golf cheat

    Pro-Subpoena denying

    Pro-Vladimir Putin


    Pro-Viktor Orban

    Pro-Kim Jung Un

    Pro-Jeffrey Epstein

    Pro-Dictatorship(for one day.Yeah right)

  2. A stinky farty rapist with tiny small hands and only one colored hair that wraps many times around his swollen headface.

  3. People need to remember this and he was friends with Epstein and Melania also!!! They need to look into her also she was a model and some models gets abused or she might be recruiter like Ghislaine Maxwell

  4. I hope Harris’ campaign start referring to him as a rapist. I know they call him a felon, but “rapist” is maybe even better.

  5. Serial rapist yes, not above all else. Downplaying a deadly pandemic leading to hundreds of thousands of deaths is above all else. He’s a damn monster.

  6. A very good thing to remember! How can we have a rapist in the whitehouse?

  7. An adjudicated rapist. Yet somehow he was nominated as the GOP front runner for president. It is not that the left hates Republican voters it’s that we hate Trump and are baffled why he has supporters.

  8. Yes, and the entire Republican Party needs to pay at the ballot this November. If you cast one single vote for a Republican candidate, you have cause for shame. The entire party backs him. NO VOTES FOR REPUBLICANS! (ARAB)

  9. I do understand that among golfers , cheating is the lowest. Tracks perfectly with how donnie behaves

  10. That’s ok my Supreme Court will get me out of it. I will be able to rape again with presidential immunity! What a great country!

  11. “Above” all else he’s a rapist….

    Fuck… what a goal to achieve, huh?
    I mean, at least he’s not a fuckin’ murderer, right? Right??

    Ok, do we know if that goddamn scumbag has or hasn’t murdered anyone?? Is that the one thing he hasn’t accomplished in his entire lifetime spree of evilness??

    I’ve wished bad things on bad people before and am not even ashamed slightly, which probably makes me a bad person. But this orange fucker can’t have enough bad shit happen to him and verrrrrrrrrrrrrrry slowwwwwwwwwwwly so he savor his own suffering.

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