5:27 EEST; The Sun is Rising Over Kyiv on the 894th Day of the Full-Scale Invasion. The medieval magnificence of the cliff-side Fortress of Tustan.

5:27 EEST; The Sun is Rising Over Kyiv on the 894th Day of the Full-Scale Invasion. The medieval magnificence of the cliff-side Fortress of Tustan.

by Ukrainer_UA

  1. For a much more inclusive history of Tustan see the Sunrise Post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/113hnbc/708_eet_the_sun_is_rising_on_the_357th_day_of_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/113hnbc/708_eet_the_sun_is_rising_on_the_357th_day_of_the/)

    u/duellingislands did excellent research, explaining its history (from the Paleolithic through its heyday to its waning influence in the 16th century), the engineering of its construction, the original plans of the fortress, the museum, the re-enactments held since 2006. Lots of photos accompany the post.

    Also, there’s a virtual tour: Virtual Tourism to Medieval Cliff-Side Fortress of Tustan from UATV (2 minutes, English): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1vPDLRxN7w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1vPDLRxN7w)

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