It’s Kamala.

It’s Kamala.

Posted by throwaway146225

  1. Ah the party of the pot calling the kettle black or in this case the pot calling the kettle Indian.

  2. Notice how Trump never says Barack Obama, he always makes a point of emphasizing his middle name, Hussein.

  3. I’m not going to criticize anyone for what they want to be called, even if they’re shitty people like Cruz and Haley.

  4. republicans: why is kamala khan trying to hide her heritage?

    (they refuse to pronounce the vice president’s given name the way that she does.)

  5. It’s her own fault. There are 19 ways to say her name and she only likes 3 of them.


  6. Nimarata’s middle name at birth was Nikki and her parents called her that since she was a toddler.

    Also, this doesn’t make sense. With so many good reasons to criticize republicans, can we stop with irrelevant bullshit like this?

  7. I can’t believe Rafael and Nimarata expect us to use some name that they prefer that they weren’t born with. Um, sorry, but I prefer to live in the REAL world, not their made-up identity fantasy !

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