Losses of the Russian military to 5.8.2024

Losses of the Russian military to 5.8.2024


  1. 69 enemy artillery luqidated, awesome job heroes, but no such niceties for russian leadership!

  2. They did a ‘data correction’ with this update, nice to see 2 additional planes… ( I didn’t go back and look at the others they corrected (anti-air, cruise missiles, special equipment and vehicles)

  3. Those artillery numbers definitely make me think Moscow is digging into the crappy old pieces and Ukraine is taking them out as fast as they show up. When those run out, the Orks will be running too.

  4. 691 fixed & rotary wing aircraft not including the multiple losses— I mean, other “technical failures”….what is the air wing equivalent?

  5. Looks like 2 added to aircraft with out crediting. Must have been an older strike that just verified.

  6. +2 russian aircrafts somehow without the “+2” label. Went up to 365 from 363 of the previous day

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