Is it weird that this small bit of pavement outside my house (approx 10 x 10cm) is patched up with duct tape?

It looks like there was some kind of hole that they filled in and laid the tape on as the final layer before capping in with the asphalt.

Is this normal??!?

Why would they have done this?

Happy Monday everyone!

by kobestarr

  1. I’m not certain but i thought they done this so when the tarmac is dry, they can rip the tape off and tarmac with it and uncover whatever is underneath such as gas or water main etc

  2. It’s probably from a previous pavement resurfacing that was done quickly. I think they get paid per job so instead of taking time to go around covers properly they tape them and just go over the top. They never seem to remove the tape later though so utilities end up covered, hopefully it isn’t a fire hydrant.

  3. They did this near us when they resurfaced all the pavements. I think they cover stuff so they can just go over it and take it off later but some gets forgotten?

  4. Looks like the pavement equivalent of “masking off” an area, is there something underneath like access hatch to a water stopcock?

  5. The council around Oxford have recently done this to all drain covers so they dont go over them when they resurfaced the paths. It was indeed supposed to have been pulled up, unfortunately they are lazy and didn’t bother 😂 expect nothing less from council workers tbf

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