Iran könnte Israel heute angreifen, Netanjahu erwägt Präventivschlag: Repo

Iran könnte Israel heute angreifen, Netanjahu erwägt Präventivschlag: Repo

  1. Preemptive strike is one way to defang your enemy before they unleash their force.

    But if Israel has intelligence that Iran attack is imminent and has information where Iranian forces are massed it will not hesitate to shoot []( it did during 1967 Six-Day War.

    For Israel, survival come first.

  2. Hot take: I really wish I didnt have to get dragged into conflict by these old fanatical nutjobs, and for my country to mind its own business for once.

    If anything the past several decades have shown us that the Middle East is a lost cause. We dont need another generation of young men and women dying for this.

  3. It’s obvious that Netanyahu is trying to bait Iran and its proxies into a war. He’s terrified of a lasting ceasefire with Hamas, because that means his time in office (and immunity from prison) is running out. And he’s always wanted to take on Iran.

    I say: If he wants to start a war, let him. But America won’t be wagged. He can fight his war, and we’ll protect U.S. interests.

    And the good thing is, with Biden out of the race, Biden can say, “I, not Kamala, am making the call to abstain from intervention and you can’t do anything to pressure me.” Netanyahu can’t bully Biden like he wants.

  4. When will the west stop bending to terrorists?
    This is not Iran vs Israel , this is Islamic terrorism against the west

  5. I’m not sure it would even count as a preemptive strike, maybe *Preemptive Strike Part Deux*?

  6. A plague – check.
    Economic collapse and recession with insane inflation on housing ? Check.

    A global war ,possibly nuclear ? Work in progress.

    Fallout 5 we come 🙂

  7. It’s scary how one human’s decision can alter the future for tens of millions. What a fuct up reality we live in.

  8. At this time, in which the situation could escalate rapidly within the next few hours, it’s worth looking at ISW’s latest Iran daily update from August 4, where they laid out four potential options that Iran has for attacking Israel.


    >Iran and its Axis of Resistance will most likely conduct a coordinated, large-scale drone and missile attack on Israel in response to Israel killing Hamas Political Bureau Chairman Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran. CTP-ISW previously outlined this scenario as one of the most dangerous courses of action that Iran could pursue.

    >Iran could modify the April 2024 attack model in at least four ways to increase the likelihood of inflicting serious damage on Israel.

    >1. **Iran could increase the volume of projectiles fired at Israel.** Iran could fire more drones and missiles from Iranian territory or instruct its proxy and partner militias across the Middle East to fire more. Drones and missiles fired from Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria would be much harder to intercept than those launched from Iran given the shorter distances and flight times to Israel. US and Israeli forces would have significantly less time than they did in April 2024 to intercept those projectiles.

    >2. **Iran could change the number of locations in Israel that it targets.** Iran targeted two remote locations in Israel in the April 2024 attack.[7] Iran could exploit the short flight times from Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria to concentrate fire on a single target rather than against two. Shorter flight times for drones from Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria could make it easier to coordinate them with ballistic missiles fired from Iran. Tehran could alternatively attack a greater number of targets across Israel.

    >3. **Iran could order simultaneous attacks on US forces, especially in eastern Syria.** Iran only targeted Israeli targets in the April 2024 attack. Iranian-backed militia attacks attacking US positions could, in some circumstances, pull American attention and resources away from identifying and intercepting projectiles bound for Israel.[8] Iranian leaders may calculate that their projectiles have a higher likelihood of penetrating Israeli air defenses if the United States has to focus on defending its own forces.

    >4. **Iran and its allies could conduct a series of drone and missile attacks over several days.** The April 2024 attack consisted of only one large volley of drones and missiles fired from Iran. But Iran and its allies could fire multiple volleys over an extended period in the next attack. Stretching attacks over this period could enable Iran and the Axis of Resistance to learn and adjust their attacks as they observe how successful each volley is.

    Personally, I anticipate a combination of two or more of these strategies.

  9. Does it not count as a preemptive strike if Israel using less weapons than Iran’s last attack this year?

    >[Iran’s attack]( sent around 170 drones, over 30 cruise missiles, and more than 120 ballistic missiles toward Israel.

    I just learned that 100% of deaths caused direction by Iran in this conflict are civilian and there isn’t even an active war crimes investigation 4 months later.

  10. Realistically there’s literal Iran could do outside of a land invasion, which is.. very unfeasible. Israel has complete superiority in the air, with missiles, and defenses.

    More likely this is coordinated (and being talked about so openly) like the missile attack last month because they need to do something to appease their base and revolutionaries but coordinating so as to know spark something “real”.

  11. We are going to attack you, today maybe, not going to tell you when really because I have to find somewhere to hide first so I’m not on the receiving end of a blade missile.

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