Machine factory caught fire after strike on Russian-occupied Luhansk, governor says

Machine factory caught fire after strike on Russian-occupied Luhansk, governor says

by Przytulator

  1. So sad Ukraine is forced to destroy their own industry. They will build it again, more modern and efficient. Still, it has to be painful.

  2. believe me. Suppose Ukraine has won the war, then those damn Russians will destroy everything they can. they really don’t return everything clean and tidy. they are such losers.

  3. The article is correct.
    Only some details.
    “Machine factory …”
    Yes, it is the area of the machine factory 100 (as stated in the article) “A. Ya. Parkhomenko”.
    This was probably completely emptied in 2016 and is now used by the Russian army.
    Was also subject to missiles in April 2024.
    From the article:
    “… warehouses with fuel tanks and residential areas were also hit in the attack, Pasechnik alleged.”
    Pasechnik is a proconsul from the occupants.
    And he says “warehouses with fuel tanks” …
    Underground tanks or just tanks standing outside on its own are quite common.
    But in warehouses? Okay, as spare parts for vehicles. But these are normally empty.
    The Russian propaganda site “Govorit Moskva” had a photo that was darker to serve the narrative.
    Darker, looks like a lot of soot from a diesel fire.

    A news site with the name “donpress” has in addition:
    “… Locals report arrivals in the vicinity of the former military aviation navigator school …”
    I have no idea whether this site is trustworthy, but this sounds good.

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