‘Nazis burn books – these have burnt a library’ – Horror and disgust after night of violence in Liverpool

‘Nazis burn books – these have burnt a library’ – Horror and disgust after night of violence in Liverpool


by gotshroom

  1. its essentially pogroms at this point. they’ve set up checkpoints to see if drivers are white, pulled people from cars for not being white while shouting “kill em”.

  2. Imagine the european reaction if migrants were the main force of this riots. It would be a massacre in the media.

    But since some right wing Barrys are responsible foreign media(or german media in my case) seems to be not that bothered to report anything more than “small clashes between the Police and Protesters in England”.

  3. > The masked rioters then began targeting local businesses. At one stage a dad pleaded with masked thugs not to burn a terraced shop so his children were safe.

    > The Spellow Library and Community Hub library, a ‘one stop shop for one of the most deprived’, was then set alight with flames visible inside the building within minutes. As firefighters arrived rioters attempted to stop them tackling the blaze, throwing a missile at the fire engine and breaking the rear window of the cab.

    This is just disgusting.

  4. Calling them racist or Nazi or whatever doesnt really accomplish anything. These riots happen because there is impetus for them to happen. People have concerns, worries about immigration and about rising crime being mainly fuelled by immigration past and present.
    People who speak up about these concerns are often waved away by calling them racists, by calling them nazis or whatever, but no one listens to their concerns and time and time again their concerns are proven valid, and time and time again they are ignored. If there is no political will to do something about these concerns, then it will end in riots.

    I dont agree with violence of any kind, but if there is no one to hear your concerns in the end i can understand the frustration. ANd now again the government is doing nothing to placate these concerns, again chosing to call them racists and nazi’s. If your police force is defending the immigrant mob who is calling out “allah akbar” against your own population something somewhere has gone horribly wrong.
    This will end in Violence because the government didnt act in the interest of its own people.

    And again attacking firefighters and burning libraries is a completely deplorable event and the people responsible should be jailed. But that doesnt take away from the frustration growing in the populace.

  5. **only ignorant people burn books**. idgaf if it is the inquisition, the nazis, the swedes or these twats

  6. Far right white nationalist terrorist attack.

    You’d all be completely losing your shit if those people were muslims or migrants, 300 of them, masked, burning buildings in the streets, attacking the police and firefighters, but because these people are your friends it’s just “bad” or “please understand them” or “it’s so rare compared to the rest”.

  7. Senseless. Burning something that’s a huge asset to the community. Utterly senseless.

  8. Mob mentality. Burning a library does not help your cause. It just makes you the bad guys.

  9. You know, it’s being propagated from Russia. But is it also being propagated from London financial institutions and monarchs who are throwing a fit about labor and the unpopularity of Brexit?

    The super wealthy and fascist have seemingly created an unholy axis against democracy, middle class and rule of law.

  10. Far right rioters deciding to burn down a library is so on brand that if you wrote it in a script, people would say it was too obvious.

  11. Everything is the far-right’s wrong, but no journalist is writing about the big march of Muslims taking the street of Great Britain shouting everything from “Allahu Akbar” to “Sounds of Jihad”

    But sure, everything’s only the “far-rights” doing these couple of days

  12. So, let me get this straight:

    A Christian stabs three children, one of whom was Muslim. Then another guy stabs a random Muslim. Then the far-right riots against “Muslim violence” and burns a library. Is that it, or did I miss anything?

  13. The UK seems to have a very small portion of the population ready to explode. Really feels like a very short fuse in a large bomb of unhappiness. Has this always been the case or have brexit/covid/god knows what made it worse?

  14. Serious investigation needs to go into addressing the underlying causes that allowed these scumbags to recruit and gain followers over recent years. Jailing thee fascist vermin is correct but doesn’t resolve the underlying issue

    For years social media has been full of disinformation, and the likes of twitter and tiktok have exploded with it recently. Much of it pushed by russia and their useful idiots

    Lies about the initial race and religion of the attacker in Southport spread all over twitter and were propagated by accounts with millions of followers. Its time these people, and the owners of social media platforms, are held responsible for the consequences of their actions.

  15. Sure: do absolutely NOTHING when immigrants and islamists take control of the territory and then do a Surprised Pikachu when people get angry.. How strange, innit..?

  16. Finally the pendulum has swung back, hopefully these riots escalate further, better to have a civil war now while victory is still within grasp

  17. Burning your own library is idiotic.

    I doubt that library burning has a lot of common with Nazi book burnings though. Not everything needs to be compared to nazis.

  18. Funny how these were likely the same people who complained about wearing a mask during Covid. Quite happy to wear one now, however.

  19. Nazi’s also drink water, can converse in multiple languages, often have homes, and take daily shits. Doesn’t mean that everyone that does any of those things is a nazi. This is called “**affirming the consequent**” and it is a logical fallacy.

  20. Not one to incite violence, but I really wish the police were in there breaking arms and legs with no repercussions.

  21. This will happen in every European country which continues to allow mass immigration from countries with a medieval-tier culture.

  22. I thought that they would get their heads kicked in by the locals…

    Let’s see Glasgow

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