Statue of Anne Frank in Amsterdam defaced with pro-Pâlestinian graffiti for a second time

Statue of Anne Frank in Amsterdam defaced with pro-Pâlestinian graffiti for a second time

by YouCanCallMeFat

  1. This is so fucking stupid and counterproductive I almost think it has to be a false flag thing.

  2. This is why “from the river to the sea” is actually a call for the extermination of the jewish race.

  3. I DO wish the European media would have the cojones to call this what it is (yes, I’ve just clocked this is CBS, but my point still stands).

    Okay: Dear World Media

    Could you ***PLEASE*** develop a set of bollocks and start calling this what it is: ***ANTISEMITIC***. The Free Palestine mob don’t care about Palestine. If every Jew disappeared off the face of the Earth in the morning, so would its support for the Palestinians.

    The Israeli invasion of Palestine has simply given legitimacy to their hatred. The irony is that they call Jews Nazis, while simultaneously denying Kristallnacht and the Holocaust.

  4. This will continue to happen again and again, unless European governments will start to treat pro-hamas terrorists the way they deserve it.

  5. Yup letting these kind of people get into power in Europe will surely end really well!

    I mean we have no way to work out, what kind of changes to the current way of life might be made, it’s a complete mystery…

  6. It’s just an art of expression over another one. It’s done this way against the West who are fearing and worshiping those land thieves.

  7. Posted by 1 month old account with 7K points that talks exclusively about this topic and deletes all older posts for some reason.

  8. I support the Palestine cause fully and find these kinds of acts beyond disgusting. These people are absolutely no different from people cheering the death of Palestinian kids. Same shit different asshole. Luckily the memory of Anne Frank isn’t something these scums can ruin no matter what they do.

  9. It’s one thing to critique the actions of a government. In my opinion, Netanyahu is an extremist responsible for a humanitarian crisis. But it is another to blame the actions of a rulling elite on an entire ethnic group, be they Isrseli or Arab.

  10. As appalling as the act is

    can online discussion ever reach beyond the completely inane:

    “Someone on this side did a horrible thing so I choose to argue they represent the average person on that side to make my side feel more right”

    every time an extremist on either side proves themselves an extremist?

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