Syrian shop owners being interviewed after their shop was attacked by Loyalists

PSNI have a lot to answer for.

by whataboutery1234

  1. What a reasonable man, in the face of idiocy. The question that will never get answered, tell us why.

  2. Here’s a fucking class idea – lets target the lads who are actually working and trying to make a living because we hate the lads who are doing nothing, and then we’ll have even more lads who are doing nothing.

    Great logic.

  3. Some people in NI think violence is the only answer! No discussion or trying to understand other people/cultures…just violence!
    It’s embarrassing. It makes me sad to be from Northern Ireland!

  4. First of all OP, this attack was from far right bigots. Stop trying to pin it on only “demuns”. There was a crowd of scumbags from coolock also there.

    Second. The PSNI did a fairly good job. Perhaps if more people supported the PSNI instead of bashing them to suit your agenda they might even be abl to do a better job!

  5. It’s a travesty the cunts that did it won’t get caught,named and shamed! Let just pretend even if it was a small handful who done it…. The wider group shoulda have slapped the fuck out of them if they were worth their salt. Just a sickening handling.

  6. “Talk to us and tell us why you don’t feel safe”

    A very reasonable and respectful response after losing everything they’ve worked for.

    If any of you cunts that were at these “protests” see this, know that these men and any other people who lost businesses and livelihoods have contributed more to society than any of you useless fuckers ever will.

    Immigration needs to be discussed, of course. But targeting people who have moved halfway across the world to start a new life, assimilated into society, contribute and pay their way like anyone else? Utter bollocks.

  7. Lads in tracksuits, almost certainly on benefits and contributing nothing to society, going and destroying the business of hardworking immigrants…

  8. I’m so sorry and sad. It’s not typical of Ireland (or Scotland)being countries of worldwide emigration; you’d hope for more understanding.

    That said, my parents experienced racism from *some* English people when they lived in London in the 1970’s.

    My mum was spat at and shouted at in the street having her Irish accent overheard and we had our house turned over by the Police once, even though my parents were never involved in anything.

    Don’t get me started on my Aunt’s family being harassed out of their home and my Uncle’s garden being dug up and destroyed by soldiers “looking for an arms cache” that terrified my young cousins at the time. He lived in a border town.

    We really should know better. Seeing fascist types on Twitter going on about Protestant/Catholic “unity against immigrants” turned my stomach.

  9. This is truly one of the saddest videos I’ve ever seen. These lads seem like great hardworking honest people who just want to live a peaceful life and graft to build a better life for their families. Even after being racially attacked they still won’t speak ill of the people of their new home. Truly absolute class acts of the highest order.

  10. Omg this man is so humble and free of bitterness. I’m so sad they’re going through this.
    If it was the other way round, I don’t think I’d be able to see that the destruction does not represent everyone 🥺

  11. People, neighbours, the local community should help them fix their shop. Show solidarity in these troubled times.

  12. Imagine attacking a westernised man’s business because you aren’t a fan of people wearing niqabs and thobes

  13. this breaks my fucking heart.

    the fact he says he wont judge all of us for this while cunts in this country judge all of them the same is despicable.

    i. fucking. hate. it. here.

  14. The PSNI did a poor job policing it but surely the people that have the most to answer for are the loyalist mobs?

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