Bangladeschs Premierminister tritt nach tödlichen Protesten zurück

Bangladeschs Premierminister tritt nach tödlichen Protesten zurück

  1. These last 24 hours have felt like a *lifetime*.

    Hurricane in Fl, will they? Wont they? between Israel/Iran (more like when not if), garbage House of the Dragon finale, stockmarkets absolutely crashing, ongoing UK riots, and now the PM of Bangladesh resigned and was forced to flee her official residence after protestors broke in and mobbed it.

  2. What are the chances this will be used as an excuse for the military to seize power and install a ‘transitional government’ that will last an indeterminate time and maybe rewrite the constitution in whatever way they like?

  3. The economy is going to go down the drain now, Bangladesh was doing so much better than Pakistan in recent years.

  4. We young Bangladeshis have done it once again, we are independent once again!!!!!!!!

  5. Whoever is in charge of it, please shut the Bengal-Bangladesh border and increase security.

  6. The year was 2011. You had at the same time:

    – The beginning of war in Lybia
    – Fukushima major nuclear incident ongoing
    – The Pope resiging and the thunder striking the vatican the same day

    I thought about building a backyard bunker as some basic precautions.

    2024 is worse.

  7. No official opposition in the last election, 300+ deaths over the last 2 weeks, videos of police openly shooting students, abducting the leaders of the student movement. It was about time!

  8. So now it’s going to be either Military or some Islamic parties. Bangladesh is screwed either way.

  9. Disclaimer: Highly ignorant on the topic.

    However, this seems quite quick? Didn’t protest just happen a few days ago and (s)he* already stepped down?

  10. Venezuelans what are you doing? Maduro stole the election and you are sitting on your ass. Get your inspiration here!

  11. Time for the Venezuelanian people to also rise up against the corrupt murderer Maduro !

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