Russian infantry using electric scooter on the front line targeted by FPV drone operators

Russian infantry using electric scooter on the front line targeted by FPV drone operators

by bunsinh

  1. That boy trying to star in the new Flash movie. First guy to break the olympic 100m record wearing combat boots. Lol die orcs.

  2. Damn that tactical scooter armour didn’t help at all? Maybe it needs more ERA? At least one dude was rocking some cringe worthy latex pants, for streamlining.

  3. This is the Russian version of the “nek minnit” meme, only with a drone and probably even less teeth

  4. “You can’t outrun a drone”

    “I don’t need to, I just need to outrun you”

  5. Its probably a supply run. One of the channels mentions that due to the drone threats the russians are now forced to extend the supply runs 4-5 km to the rear. Any truck will be evaporated that comes closer. So the supply is on foot or by those scooters.

  6. Lime scooters starting to operate in Ukraine? Not a very good ROI unless you look at it from the Ukrainian pov

  7. One quick look at his buddy convinced him that he needed to run. And he is running like his life depends on it.

    Don’t stop until you make it to Siberia.

  8. Quick peek at his messed up buddy and off he goes. Leaving gear and equipment behind. In my youth we had quite a problem in my city with young ruzzians who constantly started fights in groups and harassed people on the weekends. Best advice I was given: Punch the biggest of them and the rest are going to run away. That’s the Z-mentality.

  9. At least those dirtbikes can be used on rough terrain. These ebikes are so damn stupid with small batteries too… Common man 😅 Soon the Ruskies will put cope cages over them too I bet…

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