Midwestern Farmers Who Say Yes to Solar Power Face Neighbors’ Wrath

Midwestern Farmers Who Say Yes to Solar Power Face Neighbors’ Wrath


by Jojuj

  1. I remember a few years ago reading about people in a town meeting in Arkansas who were convinced that solar panels were going to drain the Sun. I hate to sound elitist but we really need to stop worrying what some people think because I’m not convinced they do think

  2. This is happening in my town in Nebraska too! A guy wants to lease his land for solar farming, and the community is up in arms with typical mass right wing disinformation. The town claims that the solar farm is going to heat the air and create superstorms, based on a facebook article.

    No one bats an eye at every single blade of grass being plowed under, soaked in chemicals and laid bare for everything except corn, solar is where they draw the line.

    The irony is a leader of the local opposition group has 2 “don’t tread on me” stickers on his truck.

  3. I know a town next to me voted to not build any solar fields. Their reason is it’ll destroy the desert landscape we have. Nothing but Sagebrush, and sand for miles to see. Hell we could have Solar and Nuclear but nope people in my state drink the kool-aid to much.

  4. Wrath? Really? Or a froth whipped up by writers who suddenly remembered their “ink” was digital and whose handlers found some real journos to sneer down while each bounced checks and counted other peoples’ commas in vain…

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