Großbritannien hält Musks Post „Ein Bürgerkrieg ist unvermeidlich“ für ungerechtfertigt

Großbritannien hält Musks Post „Ein Bürgerkrieg ist unvermeidlich“ für ungerechtfertigt

  1. *From Bloomberg News reporter Alex Wickham:*

    UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s administration hit out at the suggestion by the billionaire Elon Musk that Britain is heading for civil war after a week of riots sparked by the murder of three girls last Monday and the spread of misinformation about the perpetrator.

    Musk on Sunday said that “civil war is inevitable” on the social media platform X that he owns, in response to a video showing footage of rioting and remarks from another poster that it was the result of “migration and open borders.”

    “There’s no justification for comments like that,” Starmer’s spokesman, Dave Pares, told reporters.

  2. Musk thought the pandemic would be over in 3 months or something stupid along those lines

  3. Musk is so entrenched in the far right, Russian-spun propaganda machine that he has essentially become a spokesperson for Putin.

  4. This Trump 2.0 should just go back to South Africa where he came from, there are no migrants there , and it is a very peaceful place.

  5. In my experience, people who say a “civil war” is inevitable, without real evidence to it, actually *want* a civil war to happen, with the thought process that their “side” will win, and give them everything they want.

    So from that (admittedly anecdotal) experience, Musk *wants* a civil war, probably just because he’s sick of critics.

  6. Is there any reason we should listen? His online performance seems a little embarrassing

  7. It’s honestly been bewildering watching the likes of Musk, Peterson, Trump, etc fall head over tit down the right wing rabbit hole once they realised stoking fear among disenfranchised commoners was such an unbelievably easy way to make money. Social media algorithms have completely and utterly antiquated the value of pragmatism for these cunts.

  8. Localised riots that are being whipped up by far-rights groups, is not a civil war.

    It was worse back in 2011 when riots were spreading organically.

    There is no Civil war. Our police allow these events to burn out by not directly engaging. They then arrest after the event has happend.. especially since these idiots love to tweet (sorry X!) or stream their own actions.

  9. A fucking billionaire wanting to use poor people as weapons so after the bloodbath he can reap the rewards.

  10. If not even the political shitcan, that the US is, hasn’t blown up yet .. then how would the UK?

  11. Can we just stop acknowledging what that tool says. He’s made it pretty clear by now he’s a fkn whack job, having lots of money doesn’t change that

  12. There’s literally only one side saying civil war is inevitable and screeching about this.

  13. the UK should absolutely seize his assets and freeze his businesses inside their jurisdical commonwealth for inciting violence and the division of a stable populus. Propaganda to incite violence should be handled accordingly to that person’s reach and responsibility

  14. Musk is what you get when a socially inept nerd with a fragile ego becomes unfathomably rich and starts thinking he is an enlightened guru who has answers to all questions—a true Buddha. Musk realized most people don’t buy his grift anymore, so he’s moved to RW grifterland for an audience. Suffice it to say, all this far-right rioting doesn’t affect people like Musk and Farage, who have multimillion-dollar apartments with bunkers isolated from the mess they make, or have enough money to flee to wherever they want (read: Peter Thiel).

  15. I’d like to think cunts like Musk will be among the first to go when civil war breaks out

  16. Musk is the type of guy who would hide shitting his pants if a civil war actually happened.

  17. Polls are down. The guy that saves billions in taxes thanks to Trump really wants more tax cuts.

    the big bonus for him is people will be glued to X when they instigate another attempted coup after they lose.

  18. If a couple riots is civil war then france must have a civil war every few months

  19. It’s not a prediction, it’s a warning.

    He intends to fully fund and push for it at every opportunity.

  20. Musk is trying to start civil wars all over the world with his disinformation machine that lets the far right have “free speech” while everyone else gets censored.

  21. The UK is not heading for civil war, these idiots have no fucking clue, and the police can easily go in and round up those stirring them up.

    And many are already facing the consequences of the shit they did, one was employed by Tata Steel, now lost his job and crying about it, boo hoo, let’s hope more of them have this and end up in prison for advocating murder and other things.

  22. Saying civil war is inevitable, being the richest man in the world and endorsing Trump is a terrible combination.

    It’s not just Trump that’s the problem, it’s that Trump being in power enables worse people to develop, succeed him, or take power themselves.

    I don’t have any problem at all with people from other countries coming to live and work in the US, but I take exception with Musk coming here, having so much influence and then saying the US is going to have a civil war again.

  23. I really wish the DOJ would step in and stop the election interference. But nah, we have to work around this fucker who moved here willingly to destabilize Americans.

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