The two F-16 fighters behind zelensky during his speech were likely decoys (explanation in comments)

The two F-16 fighters behind zelensky during his speech were likely decoys (explanation in comments)

by jimmehi

  1. The two F-16s that were displayed behind Zelensky during his speech were likely empty airframes to be used as decoys. The antennas on the nose of the planes indicate they are F-16 ADF variants. The ADF variants are not in use by any of the countries donating jets to Ukraine and the United States has large amounts of these airframes mothballed. The two planes also lack markings typically present on fighters in use.

    First two pictures show the likely decoys, third picture shows an F-16 ADF on top and an F-16am on the bottom. The F-16am being the model now used by the Ukrainian air force. Last picture likely shows one these F-16 ADF decoys being loaded into an Antonov a few days ago in Arizona.

  2. Why wouldn’t they just fly them in from Poland or Romania? Decoys can’t fly in.

  3. It was my first spontaneous thought when I saw them that they must be decoys. Obviously good ones if that is indeed the case.

  4. The ukranians may be wanting to observe a missile attack on the decoy …. So as to learn how to detect,jam,defeat the missiles

  5. You realise you guys are literally doing Russia’s work for them.

    Loose lips sink ships

  6. A brilliant ploy by the Ukrainians. But fuck the international world for not providing the war time leader keeping the orcs back from us all. Simply do more. Not that you aren’t doing anything. But tired of hearing Ukrainians had to be inventive or had to repurpose or cobble together scrap. How about we give them what we need and do what other countries have begun to do. Turn on the militaristic war time development economy focused on weapons and defence. World needs to stand together as real force show of power not hiding behind statements and legal pressident tiptoeing. Some do step up but always opposition voices do damage well if these are the people doing damage and the people don’t want them in power why the fuck are we as a people never doing anything about I. Yes hypocrit cause I have no affluence but numbers work we just need a new type of leaders to follow. ← mad man rant. Crucify me for my frustration.

  7. I would say: “Never trell the Ruzzians, where the decoys are, until they destroyed them!”

  8. The whole ceremony yesterdey seemed quite too much of a publicity to me, at least for an asset that should be kept hidden to avoid destruction. Using decoys seems the only sensible thing to do.

  9. Is that past picture at DIA? That certainly looks like the front range mountains in the background.

  10. The allied pilots were often perplexed when interrogated on how the Germans knew so much about the losses and names of pilots shot down. Turns out the Germans were getting US newspapers and just reading.

    Point is we give off a lot of information without even knowing it.

    The bane and terror of my existence is some random idiot taking a picture of NATO forces moving in Poland somewhere and Russian rocket artillery casually adjusting coordinates.

  11. Yhea, ukraine probably got quite a few decoys since Russia is going to throw everything and the kitchen sink to get the jets so they can have the monkey howling session of Nato gear bad and not think of the amount of russian gear and personal it has sent to hell ,bait them into burning up their missiles.

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