Keir Starmer says facial recognition tech is the answer to far-right riots

Keir Starmer says facial recognition tech is the answer to far-right riots

by tllon

  1. >Responding to the riots across England over the past week, Prime Minister Keir Starmer says he’s backing a wider rollout of facial recognition technology to track and prevent “thugs” from traveling to areas where they plan to cause unrest.

  2. I don’t like what’s happening in the UK right now but I don’t think we should support this

  3. Feels like a very slippery slope riddled with pitfalls, what about the niqab? What happens with the data? What happens if the data’s hacked, how do we make sure we don’t end up sliding towards Chinese style social score systems in a few decades time, is it OK for the government to track what cities and buildings we visit, minefield!!!

  4. Yeah that’s just what the UK needs, more surveillance cameras.

    He’d want to think about the cause of the unrest instead of trying to deal with the effects.

  5. Sounds like how to impose more control over people. Seems like a perfect occasion for him to implement his tyranny. Im mean werent we laughing at china for doing this?

  6. How quickly politicians think the answer to crime is always more surveillance and less freedom

  7. Sure, more surveillance, more 1984. Remember guys, if the state gains power it is always at the expense of the people.

  8. Oh dear Stamer, you are certainly getting off on the wrong foot.

    Look at the root causes of the riots, problems that have been ignored for a long time by successive governments.

    More cameras mean more balaclavas being sold.

    We live in a small town, the main high street is probably 300 meters end to end, how that justifies 7 cameras and 2 ANPR (automatic number plate recognition) cameras is beyond me 🤷🏼‍♂️.

  9. And silicone masks are the answer to that. I won’t comment on the current riots but I will on the future ones: I stand with UK folks of all coloUrs and creeds who will resist the creeping oppression and surveillance


    its the motto of every would-be roadman, yout, and criminal in the UK.

    Biometric scanning is a waste of money & an assault on normal peoples privacy. Criminals will just wear balaclavas & ski masks. And when big brother bans those they’ll wear just wear protected headgear like a full face Burqua.

    The UK already has more cameras than anywhere else in the world, all we need is a properly staffed police force to man those cameras so the units on the ground can catch people red handed.

  11. Facial recognition is not the answer to anything, it’s just the start of Russia / China and then North Korea authoritarian state-like regymes and huge abuses!

  12. Giving more power to the state seems like a favorite answer to everything. I’m quite confident they have enough resources already at their disposal to find and prosecute the perpetrators if they have a will to do so.

  13. These people were just looking for an excuse to implement draconian measures and fill the pockets of their buddies supplying the tech. The current riots aren’t justifiable. Rioting against this is.

  14. In order to ensure our security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire, for a safe and secure society

  15. Europe is following China’s example on this. Leaders of Europe have noticed how there are no mass riots in China despite the human rights violations and amount of dissidents. Europe is slowly giving up it’s principles of human rights, democracy and openness. They’ll be replaced with mass surveillance, harassment of political dissidents and illegal activities of law enforcement. That is the future.

  16. So far I have seen

    >politicians claiming that talking about anything anti-immigration is now stoking hate and dangerous and shouldn’t be discussed

    >People on Reddit calling for the army to be sent in

    >people on Reddit saying they want Mi5 to go all KGB on them including farage

    >They should all be locked up and the key thrown away

    Now I am seeing facial recognition as being the answer. Or how Authoritarianism is alive and well no matter which sides talking.

  17. Be careful with what you wish for. Such surveillance tech could be used by future governments against political opponents.

  18. Definitely not, why would we want to bring in the same shit as China must be fucking mad.

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