Are we positive it exists?

Are we positive it exists?

Posted by TerrCheetah

  1. Hell, let’s just ask her to recite the ABCs, I got money she won’t make it past G.

  2. Yeah, when you’re not hot enough to fuck for grades in HS, u gotta get that paper after the fact.

  3. Compare her handwriting to the handwriting of whoever took her GED test. Bet they don’t match.

  4. “Silly Liberal media! I don’t even KNOW anyone named Ged!”

    – Lauren (probably)

  5. That’s not fair. I’m sure she paid for that GED with her own money, including paying whoever took the test for her. Quit being so mean.

  6. Honestly, I want to see which questions she failed all four times. I have suspicions but it would be interesting.

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