‘Politically stupid’: GOP leaders warn ‘Trump may have just lost Georgia’

‘Politically stupid’: GOP leaders warn ‘Trump may have just lost Georgia’


Posted by _FeloniousT34

  1. Maybe attacking the anti-Maga Republican Georgia Governor Brian Kemp (63% approval rating) and his wife was a bad idea?

  2. He lost Georgia when Harris entered the the race thus energizing the Democrat base in Metro Atlanta and Savanah, who were generally lukewarm at best when Biden was the candidate.

  3. He bragged that the fix was in in Georgia and the evidence shows that he is right.

    The sad reality is that Georgia could vote 90% Harris and most likely it will still be given to Donald trump.

  4. He’s a washed up old man that goes on rants that even his base are thinking is weird.

  5. Does it really matter?

    Does anyone actually think that Trump is going to concede that he lost Georgia? He’ll just keep claiming he won it no matter what the vote count is. That’s the great thing about being crazy, reality means absolutely nothing to you.

  6. Okay but doesn’t Drump have Georgia’s Elections Office folks in his butt pocket? Advise.

  7. We can only hope that Weirdo Don has screwed himself like’s he’s screwed everyone else.

  8. Kemp is proof there were Republicans before Trump and the party will go on without the convicted felon. A lot of people are saying Trump isn’t going to get elected. Georgia will be blue again.

  9. As if this weren’t weird enough, Trump hasn’t been investing in the ground game in Georgia. Biden/Harris has had 24 field offices opened for months in Georgia. Trump just opened up his first one. He is way behind on the ground.

  10. Who needs a hysterical, petulant twat in the White House! Wasn’t four years of alienating allies, shooting down legislation (like border control) and staring at eclipses enough?

  11. They had four years since the last election cycle to pre-determine that he’s “politically stupid” (in addition to being a liar, cheat, fraud, adulterer, racist, sexist, rapist, child molesting pig). Sorry GOP, you reap what you sow

  12. Even if Harris wins, they won’t certify. In all likelihood everyone in Georgia will be disenfranchised.

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