Psychological Science Says Trump Is a Four-Year-Old

It's weird to not seek help to transition from a four-year-old. Cow-weird.

Posted by rematar

  1. A troubled 4 year old. I have known 4 year olds who are respectful and empathetic. This guy is just debased and thoroughly dishonest.

  2. What does weird propaganda from unethical quacks have to do with anything? The APA says doing what Psychology Today did here is a violation of their ethics rules. I hope the guy has his license revoked.

  3. The real question is, what is wrong with the people who like him and intend to vote for him?

  4. I hate Trump as much as the next guy, this is a stupid way to frame him.

    He’s a dangerous abusive charismatic psychopath, not a toddler.

  5. He’s stupid, plain and simple, as are his followers. They communicate on the same kindergarten level.

  6. I mean, I don’t have a psychology degree but… yeah, I figured this outa long time ago.

  7. I swear it is very difficult dealing with an adult who acts like a toddler it literally makes me sick

  8. Trump: “So if you think about it, the thirteen year old was the real child abuser- abusing me all along!”

  9. “Trump presents as a rather generic, haggard, rambling salesman meandering on the edge of coherence.**”**

    **<insert “That’s gold, Jerry. Gold!” gif here>**

  10. I wasn’t convinced before, BUTT, I GOTTA VOTE FOR HIM NOW 🤩😊🤠 …
    fuck a bunch of old thinking fuddie daddies!
    How old was he last term? New born? Look how great that turned out.
    Can’t see my way to support the Elizabeth Warren of the Indian world(the other Indian world) …
    May as well bust out the black(real black) guy that thinks he’s a woman to campaign.
    Can’t be any worse than the big guy. After all his husband has had his 👋🏽 up both their asses … 🤣😅😂😆😉😉😉

  11. Good article. Trump is also a textbook narcissist– that is, someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Narcissists’ emotional maturity is stunted in childhood. As adults, they have similar reactions to children, like tantrums, throwing emotional grenades, and seeking revenge on anyone who criticizes them or they see as disloyal. That’s Trump in a nutshell. He’s unfit for office for a number of reasons, but his narcissism is especially dangerous for the country and our values such as respect for the rule of law.

  12. What scientists? Because scientists told me that if I (m) vote for Harris, then I transition into a woman.

  13. At least the narcissistic nepo-baby who never matured out of Diapers acts his mental age!

  14. It’s not just Trump. It’s most boomers.

    If boomers didn’t exist then Trump would not even be a conversation.


  15. Mofo went from being the oldest candidate ever to the youngest.

    I suppose that counts for something.

  16. And what’s scary is, half the country think he should be not just POTUS, but literal dictator.

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