Blaming the vice president for a stock market crash is weird

Blaming the vice president for a stock market crash is weird

Posted by ledgendary

  1. So…it’s Kamala’s fault a bunch of drug fueled rich people at the gambling table trying to predict the future lost money betting on AI and Crypto?

  2. Especially right after saying the VP doesn’t do anyone to defend his pick of JD Valance

  3. Especially when it’s tech companies who over-promised AI breakthroughs

  4. A bunch of already-rich MFrs were borrowing Yen at zero interest to buy up equity, and when the Bank of Japan upped interest rates for the first time in forever, all of a sudden they had to sell their shares to pay back the notes, forcing share prices downward.

    They’ll use this brief market correction to buy up even more shit on the cheap while you take the hit to your 401K, as usual.

    But sure…somehow that’s Kamala’s fault.

  5. At this point, Twitter could be the most egalitarian platform behind the scenes for free speech (it’s not) but that doesn’t matter. The owner literally platforms, endorses, donates to, and gathers voter data for the Republican Party.

    It is now to the point where any stats pro Kamala on Twitter exists as a slight against the site they’re on, and anything to her detriment, unless corroborated by neutral or left sources who don’t have an incentive to lie about Kamala to discredit her, literally cannot be trusted.

    If the hashtag: “kamalasucks” was trending tomorrow, no reasonable person can actually claim beyond a reasonable doubt that it’s organic.

  6. For the record, this crash is due to the Bank of Japan raising interest rates and everyone suddenly realizing that a lost generation is not prepared to pay for borrowed money.

  7. Lol – do republicans and conservatives think the president wakes up and has to choose each day of the stoc market will do well?

    #bunch of weirdos don’t understand how finicial markets function.

    That is the real thing trending on propaganda X and channel Faux News.

  8. Look, I’ve lived among these people. Back in primitive times, ancient people would blame a clan leader for poor rainfall. Then ritualistically kill him in a manner dubbed “overkill” by archaeologists. They couldn’t separate correlation from causation, and they needed to explain their hardship somehow. Not much has changed.

    The average christian conservative voter has been trained from birth to think magically. Most of them haven’t the faintest idea how any economic machinery works. Just like primitive people hadn’t the faintest idea how the weather worked. They only know that they are scared, and someone in charge must be blamed. Conservative media capitalizes on this, by pointing a finger.

  9. The irony of the term, “Black Friday” changed to “Black Monday” is that it represents when retailers could finally turn a profit, and no longer be in the red. Kind of a stupid hashtag, if you ask me. You want to be in the black, not the red.

  10. A month ago she was completely useless and Biden kept her in a basement hidden away and not working on anything. Now she’s suddenly the REAL power behind the Presidency and using Biden as her personal puppet to do her evil bidding! Not weird at all…

  11. A crash?
    It’s not even 1000 points.
    Stock Market is still higher now than it was at this point five years ago. Get back to me when it loses five years’ worth of gains in 30 days like it did back in 2020.

  12. Trump. As recently as early last week, was claiming the positive stock market as “his stock market.” He is not serious people.

  13. If they are blaming her, they’re admitting that they’re going to lose. They’re also projecting. I love how we’re pretending the economy doesn’t nose dive every time a republican takes office.

  14. #### Those weirdos know it’s not her fault, it’s gaslighting and done in bad faith 💯

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