Tweedledum and Tweedledumber

Tweedledum and Tweedledumber

Posted by Dull_Junket_619

  1. “And Greene, who often makes outlandish claims to seek headlines, claimed that “Nothing in this bill prevents the funding of aborted fetal tissue by taxpayers.” A bag of rocks has more brain power than these two nitwits combined.

  2. So, all in all I’m against capital punishment, but can we bring witch burnings back for those two?

  3. They’re just toddlers who never outgrew saying “no” to literally everything upon learning the word.

  4. Nothing but hate and bad ideas from these weird gargoyles.

    Ugly through and through.

  5. Can we start a fight between the two of them? That way, they can stay busy till the next election

  6. A picture of stupid walking hand and hand with stupid. How do these morons get elected?

    Oh wait, I know, they’re elected by bigger morons.

  7. Imagine them staying in power because of gerrymandering and lack of engagement from voters to care about Congress…

    That’s the actual evil. It isn’t them. It’s the complacency of the American people

  8. These bitches’ evil dumbfuckery broke Hanlon’s Razor: “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity”, well how about both?

  9. Once again, these two nothings show how useless they are. All they can do is act like frocking fools, acting like court jesters who aren’t very funny at all. The way they hoot and holler at President Biden during the State of the Union address, tells me a lot about the people in the districts that elect these two clowns, and none of it good.

  10. The former escort and former cross fitting adulteress are engaged in a high speed race to the bottom.

  11. Weird ass fuckers. I can only hope that karma does not kick them in the butt for this one.

  12. Are they really evil or just two chics that yearn for attention their daddy never gave them?

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