Can Trump even drive?

Can Trump even drive?

Posted by Oystermeat

  1. It’s things like this that make me really afraid of what the Back to the Future reboot is gonna be like.

  2. A cybertruck he will gift to Trump?

    I think Donnie prefers cash.

    Still, I expect this thing to be sold by the time Trump has his first rage poo of the evening.

  3. I stand corrected.
    I didn’t think the Cyber Truck could look any uglier than its default configuration.

    I was wrong.

  4. Actually the perfect gift.. Fake ass trash wrapped up in an ugly package. Exactly like Trump.

    IF Y’all wondering how good / Bad the cyber truck is, Whistling diesel put one through the paces against a Ford F250.

    At one point the Cuber truck ripped it’s tow hitch off the frame towing the F250 off a embankment it was high centered on. Come to find out the hitch is barely attached to the frame and uses filler lightweight metals

  5. He also gifted Trump an expensive Rolex watch right on camera which is a violation of campaign finance law.

  6. These things fall apart and/or crash every day. Can’t wait for this entirely unique and easily identifiable trump car to eat shit publicly within a matter of weeks. Will be a fantastic headline.

  7. No one who has been president can drive. The Secret Service will not allow it. Biden has called it the worst part of being president.

  8. donald better be careful and cover his ears. The shatterproof glass on cybertruks isn’t really shatterproof.

  9. No. He has never driven. He has never swam. He has never ridden a bicycle. He has never taken out the garbage. He has never washed dishes.

    He has never done anything you, me, or any of his supporters do.

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