How Far Right Riots in the UK Were Likely Fueled by Russian Fake News

How Far Right Riots in the UK Were Likely Fueled by Russian Fake News

by UNITED24Media

  1. They weren’t and it’s ridiculous to claim they were.

    The russians can’t just start posting shit on twitter thinking it will create riots, that’s fundamentally not how propaganda works.
    They might have done whatever kicked this particular round of riots off, but it’s like saying they started a gasoline fire because the ignited the match.
    It wouldn’t have worked if there wasn’t already gasoline everywhere.

  2. Again, giving Russians far too much credit just like the Brexit interference propaganda 

    British would have voted for Brexit anyway, it was a long time coming

    British and Irish were going to riot eventually about the sheer volume of immigrants coming into their countries

  3. I don’t think people in the west understand how much Russia interfers in our lives. They do all they can to divide us.

  4. *definitely (albeit not 100%; English tabloids aren’t exactly the most dignifying source of info either)

  5. Over 4 million people voted for Reform in the general election, so by votes cast they were the 3rd biggest party. Blaming it on Russian interference is a bit lazy.

  6. Russia is surely playing a part here. But I wouldn’t call it the main issue. The government is bankrupt, the middle class is shrinking rapidly and basic services like healthcare are deteriorating. The russian propaganda was always there but without those economic problems, the propaganda wouldn’t have such an effect.

  7. Russia pays far right politicians and help their campaigns with disinformation. People don’t realise how much fake bullshit they get served every day

  8. It’s more a product of 60 years of failed neoliberalism creating a class of jobless and underpaid racist assholes clinging to the glory of a colonial golden age that hasn’t existed in 200 years.

  9. Its too easy to blame Russia. Sure, they may have helped amplify some fake news, but there’s no way this would have reached the scale it did without domestic support in – in this case – the form of the EDL. Blaming foreign forces risks making it so, that you lose sight of the domestic rioters, spreaders of fake news, and instigators. Those issues cant be fixed by defeating Russia.

  10. Back to blaiming our old enemy for every bad thing, so we don’t have to take responsibility for our stupid actions.

    Low effort journalism and a generally less critical population probably has a lot more to do with it.

  11. It is very convenient to blame Russia for organising every protest.
    Btw exactly this Russia is doing: saying all the opposition is payed by west and all the protests organised by foreign agents.

    So, I just curious can the protest be just a protest? Or it for sure should be organised by some foreign country?

    If the protest cannot be just a protest, then how democracy is supposed to work if everyone who against of main line will be considered as foreign influencer ?

  12. I don’t mean to underestimate russian fake news, but a teenage boy went Rambo on LITTLE GIRLS. Three of them died. I think riots are understandable.

  13. “Hey Anthony,do you remember how Roy called you wanker 10 years ago? I heard he still has your tooth after you beat eachother!… Who am I? Just concerned neighbour”

  14. Fuck me, I was sure that all the recent stabbings and murders are the reasons for the riots. The more you learn…

  15. Or perhaps it was the straw that broke the camels back? I don’t underestimate the Ruskis ability to lie, but this seems like people have had enough violence done to them. It’s a repeating attitude of all across European countries that took in a lot of immigrants. “We have had enough.”

  16. The Russian propaganda machine stokes this, but they can only do so much. If they were alone in the effort, we’d be fine. The problem is the Mainstream Media and “Moderate” right wing parties have spent 10+ years validating and reinforcing the narrative of the Far Right, thinking they can control and direct the crazy.

  17. or maybe everyone should ask what is happening on a macro level in the United Kingdom causing mild-mannered people to take up arms against others?

  18. Despite what they want you to believe unrest cannot be manufactured through twitter posts. Something tangible has to be happening.

    Saying it’s caused by Russia is just another way to gaslight and remove blame. This has been getting worse for years and the U.K. government allowed it to reach a boiling point. The more this issue goes on ignored the more people will be radicalised.

  19. Isn’t that convenient, to be able to blame Russia for absolutely everything going on in your country? It’s not like migration is a problem, or that the far right even exists, it’s all just a Russian plot.
    Why acknowledge a problem and work on solving it, when you can simply blame someone else?

  20. UNITED24 Media is Ukrainian news agency, may be a bit biased. You can’t blame Russia for everything that happens in this world, they are just not that powerful, lol.

  21. Farage was (and probably still is) on the payroll of Russia. It isn’t a fantasy to imagine that Russia has played its hand.

  22. There is a solution but they don’t want to apply it. I recently went to Dubai and no immigrant there riot’s, steals or rapes, their policy as an Indian taxi driver explained us is that if you want to work and take the money we give you to your country it’s fine, if you do anything bad visa is canceled and you go back empty handed. That driver was afraid to even get in a fight because he has mouths to feed back home. Should we be that much strict? Obviously no but it’s a good starting point to improve that.

  23. How my hitting my toe against the kitchen table was likely fueled by Russian fake news: an opinion piece

  24. But many of the things that concern people are backed up with facts and reality.

    Saying it’s all a Russian illusion is patronising.

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