Keir Starmer slams Elon Musk’s claim ‘civil war is inevitable’ following UK riots

Keir Starmer slams Elon Musk’s claim ‘civil war is inevitable’ following UK riots

by SunEater888

  1. It’s hypocritical considering Musk literally lives in a country that’s much more diverse, and had significant race riots in the 1960s and 1970s, and in 1992 in LA.

  2. Commenting on everything Musk says only gives the troll what he wants, and lends the fool credibility.

  3. The military-industrial complex fabricated consent to legitimize lucrative neocolonial wars.

    Musk and neofascists fabricate mis- and disinformation to legitimize lucrative civil wars.

    And the same reactionary idiots that bought the narrative 20 years ago are buying the narrative today, while pretending to be anti-system mavericks…But they are the system, and the butt of the joke in it.

  4. I think it’s time to ban the app as we would ban a tv or radio station for the same content.

  5. YouTube and TikTok are way way, way bigger vectors for radicalisation – that’s just audience data. Forget about Elmo, he’s a fluff pill on the sleeve of bad journalism.

  6. 2016 – The civil war is coming;
    2017 – The civil war is coming;
    2018 – The civil war is coming;
    2019 – The civil war is coming;
    2020 – The civil war is coming;
    2021 – The civil war is coming;
    2022 – The civil war is coming;
    2023 – The civil war is coming;
    2024 – The civil war is coming;

  7. Whats annoying is that if it does ever happen, whether in 10 years or 500 years when the rich all live in a space-station, someone somewhere will find this tweet and hold him up as some great Nostradamus predictor.

    These vague, inflammatory comments with no time frame means if he’s ever questioned on it, he can just say “there’s still time” and absolve any responsibility but still claim it’s true.

  8. WTF is it with Musk and civil wars?

    Does that guy own stock in weapons manufacturing or something?

    IMHO Elon Musk should go back to just being a millionaire POS.

  9. War mongering owner of widespread social media platform!! Why is any well thinking organization/state/company still using this platform…?!

  10. Someone spends too much time on his own website. Honestly, if it wasn’t for seeing it on reddit and the odd news article, I wouldn’t have known it even happened, and I live near one of the areas that had the riots.

  11. So who is doing the diagnostics on how much the billionaire is creating the concept of civil war and promoting it in multiple countries? Whoever you are, Thank you. Looking forward to the results.

  12. He ought to stick to running companies (poorly). He delusionally thinks he’s qualified to give opinions on policies and topics with which he has no experience or training. Why do people even repeat his BS. All should deleteTwitter!!

  13. It’s just Elon having to insert himself into something, so that he can feel like *the expert* again.

  14. Europe needs to come together and start putting legislation in place to deal with these platforms that are openly promoting misinformation and hate.

    If a pub was open that openly welcomed fascists and the owner allowed them to organise and recruit there, then the pub would be shut down. Social media should be held to the same standards

    I doubt USA will join with any restrictions, but losing their revenue from Europe would be catastrophic for any of those platforms

  15. Elon really needs to be arrested for allowing his platform to be used for promoting terrorism.

    It’s an unregulated space and a breeding ground for civil war. It’s what the right are desperately hoping for.

    People who can’t arrive at coherent, rational and reasonable conclusions have no right participating in civil discourse.

    Historically, these would have been the dregs of society, and now these unintelligible morons are being manipulated into frenzied hate mobs.

    Civilisation seems to be rolling backwards.

  16. What civil war? there’s fake news spreading by Russians journalists to create chaos like they wanted, we should focus on Russia, the devil on earth.

  17. As far as I’m concerned let’s give Twitter, X or whatever you want to call it, the same TikTok treatment, force it to be sold or directly be banned from Europe and possibly worldwide, Twitter was already a social media cancer way before Musk bought the app and it even way worse now, I think no one with a functional brain is going to miss that app.

  18. Tiktok and twitter and the right-wing useful idiots, doing more damage than Russia and China could do directly.


    Everyone just delete it, why are government officials and mainstream media using a platform while simultaneously telling us all how bad it is.
    Twitter would disappear if all politicians and broadcasters stopped using it.

    Also sell your Tesla shares, stop giving your money to a billionaire moron. Let his businesses fail.

  20. Musk is professional troll who needs attention. Constantly needs attention as much as the orange man.

  21. Ffs stop “slamming” the billionaire that has weaponised a social media company, go after him legally for inciting violence, and ban the platform.

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