Keir Starmer on surge in far-right violence #news #shorts

Keir Starmer on surge in far-right violence #news #shorts

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  1. So, in recent days, from the Western MSM and statements by politicians, I have learned that:
    – Russia influences prices in the US, causing inflation, rising gasoline prices and falling stock markets
    – Russia can cause mass discontent in your own media and social networks with transgender boxers beating women
    – Russia easily raises tens of thousands of people to protest across England (and even in Belfast)

    What can you say to this? I'm proud of my country.
    No seriously. Judge for yourself.
    All transactions in Western banks have been blocked for us, and we are bringing down stock exchanges in the USA and Japan.
    The United States controls all major social networks – Meta (Facebook), X (Twitter), YouTube – and we promote our narratives through them (can you tell us how? It’s very interesting).
    YouTube cut out all the major Russian bloggers.

  2. You lost the public from your first statement. All white british far right? Implementation of facial recognition cameras? You have no soul or empathy. You are not human. Just a vacant chat bot.

  3. It's called patriotism,something you know nothing about,it's not far right carrying and using knives,swords,baseball bats and hammers,its your protected muslim buddies that you stand up for before the british people,how many people have been murdered,assaulted,disfigured, raped and harassed by muslims compared to the other way round,you are passing the buck due to your inability to stand by the people of britain,we are not far right the right name is patriots

  4. It is the cry of the unheard. The anguish of a people who are being gaslit, and dehumanised by your Marxist policies. You are a tyrant and a dictator "Sir Keir".

  5. If you question the unchecked invasion of economic migrants you are gaslighted as being "fascist". Rioting BLM protestors are treated completely differently to the protestors across the country. The protests and large gathering by Muslims in Birmingham this evening had no police let alone police in full riot gear like the protests in London that had disbursement orders and snatch squads grabbing 73 year old grandmothers. The media didnt allow a retired police superintendent to mention the contributing factor of the soldier stabbed 70 times in the face last week by a Nigerian immigrant without cutting him off and saying "it's unrelated" but the media are happy to site unrelated examples of "islamophobia" over and over. We see several examples of video of two tier politics and policing and they think they can deflect to "far right thugs". They think they can claim the prisons are overwhelmed and release criminals but a week later they want to put protestors in prisons.

  6. I'm a member of the political left, and I think that Keir Starmer is 100% accurate here. Muslims around Britain are in fear due to the Far Right going too far.

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