IAF eliminiert hochrangigen Befehlshaber der Radwan-Truppe der Hisbollah im Libanon

IAF eliminiert hochrangigen Befehlshaber der Radwan-Truppe der Hisbollah im Libanon


  1. IAF racking up the kills, jfc is there anyone left in these command structures at this point?

  2. Hey Joe, we’re gonna make you the next Hezbollah commander. Why I ask you why do you hate me so much to make me commander. Just shoot me in the head why don’t you? Oh wait Israel will do that.

  3. This is the kind of stuff that shows the propoganda that israel is wanting to kill civilians is wrong. They are trying to take out the military people. Unfortunatly you can’t always do that without civilian casualites but dang they are doing a good job at hitting major people.

  4. I’m reminded of the scene in Zero Dark Thirty when Commandos enter OBL’s house and find his computers & file cabinets.. <> same thing IDF found in the tunnels in Gaza, ect.. 😎

  5. Oh cool. So they CAN strategically and surgically eliminate individuals without carpet bombing entire civilian blocks.

  6. As impressive as it is to inflict these surgical strikes against the command structure of Hamas and Hezbollah. You can’t help but wonder about these strikes using those huge bombs and the collateral civilian casualties.

  7. Iran: We will send 300 missiles and drones and scorch the paint at an airbase and hurt a young Arab girl.

    Hezbollah: We will fire thousands of rockets and start wildfires and kill some Druze kids.


    One shot, one kill.

    One shot, one kill (with friends).

    One shot, one kill.

    And so on.

  8. It feels like Isreal is very “go on. Do it.” this year. Iran & Lebanon & Yemen going “we will invade and wipe you from the earth”

    Then one of the leaders dies with Isreal holding the smoking gun like “Okay. Bet. Do it.”

  9. how many fucking ‘Senior’ commanders / whatevers are there? Ive followed this and it seems literally every target is some senior leader, surely they will run out of leaders eventually?

  10. Why didn’t they start with these surgical strikes on enemy leadership and saved themselves the pr disaster of thousands of dead kids

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