Biden teilte mit, dass Zeitpunkt und Details des Iran-Angriffs noch unklar seien, sagen US-Beamte

Biden teilte mit, dass Zeitpunkt und Details des Iran-Angriffs noch unklar seien, sagen US-Beamte

  1. Iran probably thinking twice after looking outside and seeing a carrier strike group on their left and and entire another carrier strike group also on their right. 

  2. I’ve never attacked a country, or led any form of government or military, so must come to Reddit for the correct answer of course:

    Is it better for an opening attack at night or daytime, in this scenario?

  3. The US knows exactly when and where the attack is coming from. No they aren’t going to broadcast that. Yes, they’ve told Israel.

    These stories do nothing but stoke fear.

  4. Do people not understand this is political theatrics and is actually a deescalation tactic to appease domestic populace?

  5. I read here on Reddit that when US intelligence believed that the attack was happening on Monday, it was that Iranian intelligence had informed the US, so that they could look strong and attack, but ensure no retaliation.

    Are you suggesting the redditor was wrong?

  6. Let those genocidal lunatics clean up their own shit. Leave the U.S. its money, and weapons out of it.

  7. Interesting how my brain upon seeing Iran immediately tried to turn unclear into nuclear

  8. It’s so funny that the Democratic rally was Trump would start a war yet Biden has taken us closer to war than any president in almost 20 years

  9. Tisha B’Av

    Next week.

    It has a lot of historical significance for the Jewish people. The story goes back to moses and the promised land. Very interesting historical events climaxing on that date.

    That’s my guess, the evening of Aug 12th through August 13th.

  10. I mean, it would seem awfully suspicious if they said they knew exactly when the attack would occur. So of course they’d say it’s a big mystery.  

    The timing will not be as much of a surprise as Iran would hope for.

  11. Yet Trump is prepared to say that it’s happening tonight.Yet another reason to exclude him from security access.

  12. They might and they might not, maybe tomorrow maybe next week. Why don’t they just call up the sports books in Las Vegas they probably have better accuracy on the timing.

  13. Sad how many just normal ass people who wanna live their lives are in Iran. Used to play WoW with a guy there but sanctions made it difficult over the past decade and they’ve internally cracked down on workarounds as well. He acted like any other millennial I’ve ever met except he dipped his pizza in ketchup. Regime change there would be a boon to the entire world.

  14. Plot twist: Iran’s retaliation ends up being the assassination of Netanyahu.

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