Mondo just set a new WR, mondo Is an Italian word, hence Italy is the real winner.

Mondo just set a new WR, mondo Is an Italian word, hence Italy is the real winner.

by Old_Harry7

  1. After winning the gold, before setting the new WR he paid homage to his American heritage. His father is American and mother Swedish FYI. He spends the cold Swedish winters in Louisiana and summers at home in Uppsala, Sweden.

    He did this by making a gun with his hand/arm and pointing at someone in the crowd.

    MURICA went crazy with applause when Duplantis acknowledged them as well.

  2. His middle name is Gustav. Just like the knug! There is no question, he’s Swedish.

  3. If we are going to follow that train of thought to its logical conclusion, then it must mean that Italy is arab?

  4. As proven by Mondo’s pølsehorn over there, Swedistanis don’t be packing that much meat

  5. Mondo is also the Italian word for “World”, which is Dio Brando’s stand, therefore Duplantis is Dio Brando confirmed

  6. Noticed he is only breaking his record by 1 cm as each broken records brings 100k… smart!

  7. Wow, I wish the Swedes would invade us again


  8. This is the low effort bullshit post I love this sub so much for. I can sleep in peace now.

  9. Tbf he looks a bit Italian. Actually he looks a lot like how I’d expect Alexander the Great to look. Or maybe Octavian. Dudes definitely got PIGS energy

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