Bericht: Jordanien und Saudi-Arabien fordern Iran auf, sich im Falle eines Angriffs auf Israel aus dem Luftraum herauszuhalten

Bericht: Jordanien und Saudi-Arabien fordern Iran auf, sich im Falle eines Angriffs auf Israel aus dem Luftraum herauszuhalten

  1. I think Iran is trying to extort the west.. big shakedown to see what they can get before firing a missile into the empty desert.

  2. Really hoping the Islamic republic stays ignorant, and forces Saudi and Jordan to join the fight to defend the west.

  3. Last time they had some intercepted rockets land in their territory. Guess they didn’t appreciate that.

  4. Iran is probably betting arabs hate Isreal more than them. But realistically, everyone hates each other and will pounce on the weakest one.

    Isreal isn’t weak.

  5. Saudis should make a muslim United nations around to encourage all peace towards all total peace

  6. “Yes, you have our consent to launch unreliable missiles over our nations. Can’t see anything wrong with your approach.”

  7. Does Iran even have good planes? Their main fighters are the Mig-29, F-4 and F-14, all really old.

  8. This is a de-escalatory move on the part of Saudi Arabia and Jordan no? Pretty hard to attack Israel from Iran by air or land without going through these two countries.

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