[OC] The Global Stock Market Plunge on Black Monday

[OC] The Global Stock Market Plunge on Black Monday

Posted by giteam

  1. “Black Monday”? Gimme a break.

    October 19, 1987, has been called “Black Monday” for over thirty years. You know how much the market dropped that day? 22 percent

  2. Why is there a map in the background if it’s not related at all to the data being presented?

    US shows up three times? VIX, bitcoin usd, and the green circle?

    Turkey circle is over Southeast Asia ???

    Seoul is over the Horn of Africa?

    Australia is missing from the map

  3. The use of a map as the background, with a geography-related dataset, when none of the circles relate to their placement on the map, is a mistake.

    In general there is no apparent logic to the placement of circles.

    The choice of indexes seems arbitrary. Who cares about the Bitcoin USD Index? What even is that?

    “Black Monday” already has a widely-accepted meaning, and the use here is confusing and unhelpful.

    The use of circles here is very poor. It is well-established that people are worse at distinguishing the relative area of circles as opposed to something like a bar graph.

    The use of “grouping” circles for certain countries is helpful in theory, but as implemented here it makes it seem like Japanese markets collectively took a ~65% nosedive. It might be better to only show an outline for these.

    Edit: It’s poor form that your only interactions with this community are to post graphics that advertise your (pay, I assume; I’m not clicking) site and (mandatory) comments that also advertise your site.

  4. Odd that a major world economy larger than several in the graphic, and a member of the G7/8, is ommitted.

  5. I couldn’t imagine a worse way to visualize this data. It’s also not Black Monday lmao

  6. Clickbait graph with a clickbait title shilling their website and this community see right through it.

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